"Hey. Hey, wake up." I could feel someone nudging me and I moaned, rolling over.
"Cammie get up. Why are you even asleep?" It slowly came back to me and I realized I had fallen asleep on the training room floor-not a very comfy place. As I sat up I could feel multiple sore spots down my back.
"Ugh." I complained, stretching. I looked up to see Nathan looking uncomfortable.
"What are you doing here?" I said, alarmed. I had been under the impression that my training with Howard had been a secret.
"Well I knew Howard gave you self defense lessons and when you were later than normal for our date I came looking for you."
"Oh, I forgot. Our date." I stood up.
"How flattering." He said blandly.
"Oh, I didn't mean it like that, Nathan. I just lost track of time." My excuse sounded lame and I knew it.
"Here, just give me fifteen minutes and then we'll go do whatever we were going to do." Dang, I had forgotten where we were going too.
"The zoo?" He said stoiclly.
"Whatever." I jogged to my room. I took a quick shower, not washing my hair just getting rid of my workout stench. I never really made an effort for my dates with Nathan and he never made any effort with me. He didn't flirt, didn't really talk even. He completely closed himslef from me. At first I thought he was trying to play hard to get the didtant but ever-cool guy that girls fawn over. However I soon realized he was just sullen.
The drive was once again silent with each of us staring out of our own windows. Luckily it wasn't a short drive and in no time we had our tickets and were strolling through the park.
"Ooh let's go see the reptile room, I love the snakes." I said, looking at a sign poiting towards it. He looked a little alarmed, staring at me with wide eyes.
"What, are you scared of snakes? That's so girly." He shook his head.
"It's nothing, come one." He grabbed my hand and tugged me through the crowds. There was nothing romantic about it, it was more like he thought I wouldn't be able to find my way without him. I stared around me, catching glimpses of the animals we passed. A elephant was spraying water a small group of people huddled around his section. A walrus heaved itself onto an artificial iceberg while a lion yawned lazily. To our left and right were stands of entrapuneurs. Bright signs declared one sign to have the "Greatest Beef in the West". Another promised refreshing lemonade. And then there were people who offered to sketch our caricatures our paint flowers on my face.
We whirled past this all as we headed to my favorite destination. Despite my moody companion it looked like it was going to be a fun day, it was sunny, the children were smiling and according to the sign the zoo had just aquired an albino python. We paused in front of the room, Nathan dropping my head looking a little disgusted. He gestured for me to enter first.
"Well since you're such a baby." I muttered and opened up the door, Nathan on my heels.
It was darker, cooler in the room with a feel of mystery in the air. The walls were mostly glass, letting us look in on the individual cages. I quickly stepped ot the elft to get a better look at the chameleon who was shifting to match some bark.
"Can you believe that? It's so amazing!" I said to Nathan in hushed tones. I walked another step to watch a turtle swimming.
Laaady Emilyyy
I straightened up in alarm as the hushed voice called out. I whipped my head around but Nathan and I were the only ones in the room.
Laaady Emilyy, commme visssit your faithful ssservant.
I shivered, whoever was speaking had an awful voice, screeching and cold it raised goosebumps on my skin.
"Can you hear something?" I asked Nathan he shook his head and just stared ate me intently.
My Lady, Commme Clossssser.
I could feel my palms getting clammy and I walked down the halls, footsteps echoing as I waited to see some creepy man hiding behind the reptiles. For some reason I had a feeling to walk down a small hall, I followed it and found myself staring at a large boa constrictor wrapped around a tree trunk, staring at me through the glass.
My Humblessst Greeeetingsss, My lady.
The large snake bowed it's head to me and I took a step back in alarm. I had to assume my magical abilities were somehow letting me hear the snakes thoughts but why was he calling me Elizabeth?
Ahhhh, I seeeee. You'vvve not claimmmed your power
"What are you talking about? I'm training my magic." The snake was making no sense which was understandable it was a snake.
You'vvvve not unlocked yourrrr potential.
"Cammie? Where are you?" Nathan yelled, his voice shaking a little I could hear him nearing me.
"Look, I don't know what you're talking about but it was nice meeting you." I said, feeling I needed to be polite. I turned around hurriedly to see Nathan, his mouth open in horror.
"What, you don't talk to animals?" I joked, hoping he'd think I was jsut an overenthusiastic reptile lover.
"You're just like her." He whispered. "She talked to the snakes too. They came to her, followed her." He stepped back from and raised his hands in defense.
"Nathan what are you talking about?" I said, alarmed by his actions. He seemed so scared, so frightened of me. Normally I would be okay with this but I was a little scared myself. I stepped towards him.
"No! Stay away from me! I knew it! I was right!" His eyes burned with a kind of grim satisfaction, like a doctor finding out he was right about a diagnosis, but the patient would die.
"Stop it Nathan, you're being weird." I demanded, I mean we were ona date.
"You're just like her." He repeated.
"Whose her?" He just shook his head at me and ran back through the room, leaving me in the dim room.
In My Possession
FantasiaCammie attends a school that's famous for being the place that the son's come to pick their new queen. Who are the son's? The three princes of Adamar. Together they pick a girl who will be queen who in turn selects among the three boys who will be h...