Chapter 7

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        Nate's grip tightened once we heard voices entered the room and shuffling of keys, damn somebody who owns this room is coming inside, since that person has keys to this room. Me and Nate looked at each other knowing that if we get caught either both or one of us is dead.

"You're such a douche Mason!" a guy said as he entered the room and jumped on the teacher's table making the desk screech the floor. "Yeah, you already have a mate why can't either one of us tap her. She is smoking hot," another guy said, I noticed that both of them were the best friends of Mason so that means....

"Shut up! I'm the Alpha here!" Mason boomed as he slammed the door making me flinch. Poor Nikki, I mean she is my bitchy sister but she is new and I knew how it felt. Poor her, first day only and men were already planning to tap her or as they say in their heads, force her to have sex with them. "I don't know guys, there is something about her," Mason said as he lounged on the chair. His two friends snorted and one said "Don't know how you do it, You have a mate but you still have other women," I narrowed my eyes at Nate, knowing he was the same but Nate was watching them intently.

"Easy, don't let your emotions get to you besides I never really liked Chloe from before," Mason said, If you're wondering why can't they smell us it is because in this small storage was different kinds of acids since this room used to be the Chemistry lab. "Chloe is hot though," one said making Mason growl at them. "Haha! See you like Chloe!" one said, earning a slap from behind his head from Mason. "Of course I do you moron! She is my mate!" Mason growled. "Have you seen the new girl?" one asked, huh? first, I thought they were talking about Nikki the whole time. So if they're not talking about Nikki then who are they planning to tap?

"Yeah, she's hot but not as the person I am about to tap," Mason said, "Oh yeah! Skye is hot!" once one of his friends said that, my heart started beating like crazy but in fear. I just hope they won't hear it. "I am going to have sex with Skye either she likes or not," Mason said, I felt Nate's body shaking violently, I think he was angry that they were planning on forcing sex with me. "Dude, that's called rape," one of his friends said. "Well if she doesn't cooperate then we shall call it that," Mason said as he walked out of the room, tears were starting to pour from my face. His two friends followed, they turned the light off and locked the door. I couldn't take it anymore so I opened the storage door and breathed the fresh air. I was sobbing by the time I fell on the floor. 

Soon I felt two strong arms wrapped around my waist but I was angry, I was hurt all because of this stupid boy mate thing. I pushed his arms away from me and hissed "Leave me alone!" "Skye?" he said softly sending tingled down my spine but I ignored them and growled. I wanted to leave this place, I should have never came back home. I would've been with mom by now somewhere down at the beach but no I expected too much from people even my father. I quickly got up and ran away from the room I was in, ran away from the mate who rejected me.


        I skipped school all day and it was already seven pm, the moon was shining brightly above me in the dark night. I was walking around aimlessly. I didn't want to go home and face father and Nikki, I didn't want to talk about my problems with Daniel and Jane, I especially didn't want to face Nate at the moment. I was too sad, too angry with everyone in my life.

I ended up going to a bar, as I entered the bar all eyes were on me. I went straight to the counter and ordered one beer. The bartender was a woman with caramel skin and bright blue eyes. "You have a problem sweetheart?" she asked, I just smiled sheepishly and said "Doesn't everybody have problems," the girl chuckled and said "My name is Megan," "Skye Hale," I mumbled while focusing on drinking my beer. "Oh! So you're Toni's girl" she said, my head snapped up and I asked "You know my father?"

"Yes, very much actually. I was in his pack until he passed it to some douche then I left," she said, "I wish I could do the same," I said as I cheered my bottle of beer to her. "You know what, you can tell me anything, I don't bite and I don't tell since I never talk with anybody from my past," she said as she cleaned the counter that seemed too clean. I sighed, thinking if I should tell her or not. "Well, ask the right questions and I'll tell you about the Moon lady," she said, my eyebrows furrowed and I asked "What? Moon lady? What's that?" Curious about what it is and why she wants to tell me. She sighed and said "Your father should have known better than to not tell you, Gosh! The moon lady is the chosen shifter, she is the wolf that can save the werewolf race well, every twenty years a moon lady is born and our last moon lady was murdered by a human, there are a group of humans who hunt down shifters like us, the moon lady protects us... all I know is that the moon lady is the daughter of your father,"

"But I have a sister," I sighed, her eyes widen in surprise "God damn that Toni! Told him not to touch his mate," she said as she went in the back, "Just whoever is the moon lady between you and your sister make sure you don't end up mating with someone who you're not suppose to mate with," she said as she turned around and disappeared behind. Another lady came out, with blonde hair and olive skin. "May I help you?" she asked me, "Uh no. Megan is helping me," I said, her eyes furrowed and said "Megan? We don't have a Megan working here," my heart accelerated and my eyebrows furrowed. "Weird," I whispered to myself as I let myself out of the bar.


        I ended back at the house around ten in the evening but before I could go in, through the window I saw my dad and Nikki laughing and talking. So my hand backed away from the door-knob. I turned away and walked away from my house, wondering where I could go. I looked at the ground and thought how my life changed so quickly and not for the better that is. "Guess you need some girl time," someone said, I looked up and saw Jane. "I've heard Alpha Nate is having a small drinking party at his house, I was gonna come and get Nikki but you're much better than that bitch," she said as she sat in her truck.

"Nah! I don't think Nate will enjoy if I am there," I said, but my wolf was pushing me to go. She groaned and said "Come on Skye! It'll just be me and you. We'll dance and drink and dance with some people and see if Alpha Nate is the jealous type," I chuckled and nodded my head as I made my way to the passenger seat.

As I got in me and Jane looked at each other and laughed.

This is a short chapter, next chapter will be hot and steamy. So Thanks for reading! Don't forget to VOTE!

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