Chapter 12

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I reacted with my jaw on the floor. Not literally, though. But Julie is damn pregnant! I found myself smiling up to my ears and I ran towards my pregnant soon-to-be wife and lift her up to the floor.

“Yes!” I exclaimed as I carried her around, burying my face into her abdomen. God, am I happy! I put Julie down and hugged Doctor Romero next. “Thank you.” I told her as I let go.

“Yeah, no problem. By the way, your baby is very healthy and is in her for already two months, so take good care of her.” The doctor says as she past my back. “Congratulations, William and Julie.”

“Thank you.” I say. But what is the baby’s gender? Man, I hope I have the guts to ask but the Doctor has done enough for us, and she needs rest now.

“What is the baby’s gender?” Julie asks for me as she holds my hand with her left while rubbing her abdomen gently with the other. Wow, she really does read my thoughts.

“We’re not sure yet, maybe in a week from now you can come by and let’s check if she’s a she or if he’s a he.”

“I would like a girl!” Julie exclaimed as she jumped out of joy, still holding my hand.

“Nah, a boy would do. I’m teaching him baseball, Julie.” I joked and she gave me a weird look, and I’m not sure what exactly that look projects. Ugh, nerdy monologues.

“We should go, you know?” She asks me as she gave me a gentle slap at the shoulder. “And eat lunch, I and the baby is starving!” Oh, this is what I hate about this; she uses the baby against me. And with that, I simply roll my eyes and take Julie’s hand.

“Good bye, Doctor Romero. Thank you very much. We really owe you a lot.” I thank the woman.

“You don’t guys. Now, I’m going to go to bed now, good night.” Doctor Romero said as she went in an opposite room. “Lock the door when you leave.” Is her house this hospital? She has three rooms in here, one is the ultrasound room, one is her bedroom, and the other is what I bet to be the bathroom.

She’s a real rich woman, I thought.

I take Julie’s hand and we walked out of Doctor Romero’s office and out of the hospital.

“I love you, Julie, you and our baby.” I say.

“I love you, too.”

So, changer of plans! Let us forget about the next anniversary proposal. The baby was unexpected, so are the plans. Next month, I am going to propose to Julie, hopefully she’ll say yes because of our baby, and we’ll get married the next month after that, which is two months from now. Then five months later, our baby will be born and presumably by my he’ll be a boy. And yeah, next month is three days from now!

So in three days, I’m proposing, I bet it’ll be fun.

Julie and I took the car and drove to the McDonald’s fast food chain at the back of our block so that it’ll be an easy was home, though it was quiet as hell. It really was a quiet ride, I just held her hand the whole drive and she rests her head on my shoulder. I literally just took advantage of the automatic car.

We went in the restaurant and took our seats. “What do you like to eat?” I ask her.

“No, it’s alright, I’m taking the orders. It’s not that I’m pregnant and I can’t do anything now.” Julie insists as she placed her bag on my lap and stood up. “What do you want to eat?” She asked me.

“BigMac, as usual. And some large fries and coke.” I answer. She knows what I want and she still asks me. God, why am I stressed right now?

“Sure, don’t you get tired of those? I mean, want to vomit when you eat those?” What did she just ask?

To Leah *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now