Back Then

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Chapter 20

Back Then

Minho went to visit Taemin again…

“I heard Sulli left.” Said Taemin

“Yeah…I heard she went to the US to study.” Said Minho

“I miss her already.” Said Taemin

Minho felt a strip of pain in  his chest.

“Is there anything wrong, Hyung?” asked Taemin

“I think that…I miss her too.” Said Minho

Taemin had that “Oh….you…too?” Expression on his face.

Minho chuckled

“It’s not like that…I mean…she’s the stubborn type…she doesn’t stop to look for LUCEAT’s artist. She kept on bugging the Art’s club…so…yeah…I…miss her too.” Said Minho

“No, Hyung…I don’t think L Hyung or Lee Joon Hyung misses her…it’s only you.” Said Taemin “Did you two have a relationship?“

“No…no we didn’t” said Minho

“I’m about to die Hyung, tell me about it. I will carry the secret to the grave.” Said Taemin

Minho tooka  deep breath looking at the ceiling.

“I…I…just…miss her.” Said Minho “I don’t know how it started…but it just turned out this way.”

“I miss seeing her running around the school…I miss her voice…I miss her passion on LUCEAT…I miss...” Minho stopped talking

Seeing her by that big tree behind the school…when he doesn’t know where she is…he’ll only need to go there and he’ll find her…that’s what he miss the most.

That empty space by the tree…

That’s what makes him know that she’s gone.

“You…fell for her Hyung” said Taemin “There’s no hiding it…the way you talk about her…your eyes…a dying person can tell. We have this wisdom.”

Minho brushed Taemin’s hair

“Don’t keep saying that.” Said Minho

“What do you plan to do now?” asked Taemin

“I…am planning on continuing what you can’t.” said Minho

“What do you mean?” asked Taemin

“If you had more years to live…would you go to LCUEAT and continue the Art that can make a change?” asked Minho

“Yes.” Said Taemin

“And after that…do you plant to take communications in College?” asked Minho

“Exactly…” said Taemin “You..Hyung…are you saying…you’re going to LUCEAT?!” asked Taemin

“ can’t just do that. Remember when I did that, it was chaos in the Art’s club. Everyone suddenly became my enemy. I wasn’t even an officer then. I was just the protégé.” Said Taemin “But you...You’re the artist everyone looks up to. You’re like an idol to us juniors. You’re the best Artist of the club…not mentioning you’re the vice president.”

“If you were to turn back time…If you knew you’d be hated by the people you value the most like that…will you not go to LUCEAT anymore?” asked Minho

“No…I will not replace what I experienced in LUCEAT for anything…I found my value there…I found the value of what I do there…” said Taemin “When I chose to go to LUCEAT, I promised not to look back anymore. LUCEAT was to be my world.”

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