Stockroom Sizzle

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***For my young readers ( 18 years and below) kindly just wait for the next chapter. 

Chapter 23

Stockroom Sizzle

Sulli walked in the hallways…did she make the right decision?

“I have neve been stopped by warnings.”

Sulli chuckled at the words from Chansung

Minho has been waiting for Sulli by the door of their team office. When he saw her smiling while walking…it made his heart jump…and then fall into pices…she’s smiling again…but he’s sure it’s not because of him…it even might be because of Chansung. That made Minho’s blood boil in anger and frustration!

Minho almost run towards Sulli and grabbed her arm pulling her with him.

“What are you doing?” asked Sulli “Let me go!”

Sulli tried to pull away but Minho doesn’t let go of her arm.

Minho brought Sulli into a stockroom. It was a bit dark but Sulli can clearly see Minho’s face…his angry face…Minho pinned her to the wall.

Sulli’s heart is beating fast…from the exhaustion of pulling away from Minho…from the fear of what Minho is intending ot do…of…something else…

Minho…has this way of making her heart beat like crazy by his mere presence…that;’s why she doesn’t like it…she doesn’t want to be around him.

“What…do you want?” asked Sulli

Minho is staring at her with that intensity that makes every  bit of her muscle weaken.

“Let me go…I’m busy…” said Sulli, her voice shaking.

But Minho is unshakable.

“Just tell me what you want…then let me go.” Said Sulli

Minho continued to stare at her…the look in his eyes melts her.

“What do you want?” said Sulli a bit breathless

Minho smirked.


 “I want you.”

That made Sulli’s eyes widen in shock…her knees started to shake…her arm that was pushing Minho away fell to her side.

Minho touched Sulli’s cheek and touched it gently…

“I want this Sulli…” Minho touched Sulli’s cheek with his lips brushing it lightly, but making it linger making Sulli feel the heat from him.

“Your soft skin…”

Sulli closed her eyes from the feeling washing over her.

Minho pulled a little and brushed Sulli’s lips with his hand.

“This…I want this too…the taste of your lips…I just can’t get enough of it…” Minho touched Sulli’s lips with his. Gently at first…tasting her little…by little…

Teasing her…making her get used to his warmth…making her yearn for more.

When Minho felt Sulli’s hand going up touching his arm, Minho deepened the kiss making Sulli moan.

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