High school Mess

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Chapter 21

High school Mess

L went home frustrated. Minho…how can he just throw everything they worked hard for away?!  They’re dream is close at hand… How can he just turn his back…

“I think you forgot you can’t threaten me L.” said Minho  “Your Dad is fond of me, right?”

That got L more frustrated. He can’t even use his being a stockholder son against Minho. Ever since young, his Dad has already been fond of Minho. Though Minho does not visit often. He would always ask how Minho is doing and would usually send special gifts to Minho.

‘L ‘saw his Mom drinking again. His mom has been an alcoholic since 2 years ago…It would always break his heart seeing his Mom like that…But he can’t do anything to help…

“You’re home.” Said L’s Dad

“Yeah.” Said L “Mom didn’t get treatment today?” asked L

“She refused. But tomorrow…surely she has to.” Said L’s Dad.

“How’s school?” asked L’s Dad

“It was ok…except for some stuff.” Said L

“Stuff?”asked His Dad

“Minho…he…chose to study communications. It seems he’s planning to go into journalism.” Said L

“Journalism?!” L’s Dad is shocked “That’s a dangerous field isn’t it?”

“Ever since he got hooked with that LUCEAT…he got really interested in journalism.” Said L “I’m trying to convince him to change his mind and go back pursuing Art.”

“I don’t think he should pursue Journalism…” said L’s Dad

“I coulnd’t agree more.” Said L

L went to his room and lay down. He looked at the wall where a large photo in a frame is hanged.

It was a picture of the younger Hara, Lee Joon, Minho and Him with their professor. It was 3 years ago…just a few months before the professor died.

Why can’t they just go back then…when everything was still as they are supposed to be?

L stood up and opened his cabinet and took out a painting. It was the last painting the professor did…it is still unifinished…He had always wanted to finish it…He neverhad the courage to do so…

He was the only one with the professor when he died…he left him the painting…leaving an important instruction…

The professor asked him to ask Minho to finish the painting…to finish his maastepiece… Minho was not beside him then…but still…it was Minho who was to finish the painting…

Why is it Minho? Why can’t it be him?


The next day L was walking the field when he noticed a familiar car…Dad’s car?

L followed the car and saw his Dad…but why is he going towards that direction…..LUCEAT office?

L saw his Dad talking with Minho. Ahh…so he went here to help him convince Minho?

L chuckled. His Dad has never really intervened…but now, he is. He’s really fond of Minho.

L walked nearer to hear what is being talked. He hid behind a tree.

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