Chapter 2

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"Hey, Kim! Did you do the homework for math class?" asked my friend, Martha. I shook my head and responded to her question. "No, I didn't get the problem that much." Martha sighed. "Looks like I'm gonna fail the class again." "If you just do the homework your grade will go up." Martha started to yell out something. "Hey, Nick! Can you help me and Kim with our math homework?" I turn around to look at Nick. He started to walk over to us. "No problem." At least we have a little time before class starts.

It's 8:15 and our class starts around 8:20. We worked on the homework, thanks to Nick. I see Martha taking out her phone and putting her stuff back in her backpack. "Hey, where you going?" I ask. "Oh, I have to help out my friend with something. Let me copy the homework during class. See ya guys!" Martha left now I was alone with Nick. Now that she is gone, I feel so...vulnerable. I started to remember what happened two days ago. I look at my phone to check the time. "Class is about to start in about two minutes. Better clean up." Nick nodded. We finished packing up just on time. The bell rang. "Thanks for helping me with my math homework. See you later." Before I left, Nick grabbed my hand. 

I turn around to face him. "What do you mean? We have class together." I remembered that I have all my classes with him. I take my hand back and said, "Oh yeah." We walked to class without saying anything. It was more awkward because I sit right next to him. During class, I just focused on the work which I barely do. I just tried to find a way not to talk to Nick. "Kim!" I look up and see Ms. Kennedy, my math teacher, in front of me. "Can you go up on the board and solve this problem?" I look at the problem and knew that I couldn't solve it. 

I didn't know how to even solve it. "I can do it if Kim doesn't want to." I look over to who said it and wanted them to solve it. I then see that person was Nick. "Well, Kim? Is it okay if Nick does the question for you?" asked Ms. Kennedy. I just look away and nod. "Alright. Nick, you can work on the problem." Nick got up from his seat and did the problem on the board. He got the right answer. What do you expect from the straight A student? Class ended and now it was time for me to go to History, or should I say us. I have Nick again, and again, and again. During History, I thanked Nick for solving the problem on the board in math.

I regretted thanking him. I got a response that I didn't think I'll get. "Anything for the person I like." I just wanted to hurt him right there. During lunch, I hung out with Martha. Nick started to hang out with his friends, and some girls. I still wanted to hit him. "I still don't understand it. How can he be popular?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Who knows?" I said, taking a sip from my water bottle that I bought. Martha just sighed and sat down on the bench next to me. We usually watch Nick from the second floor outside. And by 'we' I mean Martha. She just wants to find out how a guy can get so popular so fast.

"Giving up?" I asked with a smirk. Martha chuckled. "Yeah right. I'm going to try and crack this case." "What 'case'?" I ask. "You know. Why he's so popular, and who he likes. Ever since that rumor spread, almost all the girls wanted to find out who he likes. And I'm going to be the first to find out." It's been about four days since that rumor spread. What she doesn't know is that I know who he likes. I look at Nick who is now surrounded by girls, girls who would love to date him.

Out of all the girls why me? Martha got up and said, "I just don't understand. What makes him special?" Again, I shrug my shoulders. Lunch ended and I had to head to my PE class. During PE, we had to play soccer. Our PE teacher, Mr. Murphy, told us it's going to be a game against the boys and girls. I found it a little unfair since there were more boys than girls in our class. We each get part of the field and some of the boys have to wait a turn to play. I knew right away our team was gonna lose. I had to play against Nick, and my team are Nick fangirls. I have to do this by myself then.

While playing, the girls were cheering for Nick, which means I was alone. It was 1-5. This wasn't going well. While playing, some guy made me trip. I got up, seeing that I scraped my knee. The guys continued to play and made a goal while I'm here on the ground. I just watched the guy play and the girls cheer on for Nick. Now that I think about it, where is Nick? "You okay?" I look up and see Nick's face above mine. I just nod, "Of course I am. I'm just resting." I try to get up, but man did it hurt. Nick notice and helped my stand up.

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