Chapter 4

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I missed two classes just because someone changed my schedule. I just stuck with my normal schedule for today and try to fix the problem after school. It was lunch and I was hanging out with Martha. "Why weren't you in class today?" asked Martha. I told her everything that happened. She didn't believe me. "You sure you don't remember?" I nod. "I know I didn't. If I did, I would remember." "Maybe you changed it because you don't want to be with Nick." I didn't say anything. I couldn't even think of anything to say. "Looks like I got the answer." "Looks who's here." Martha and I turned our head to see who was talking. It was that girl from this morning, but this time, she was with two other girls. "What do you want Olivia?" asked Martha annoyed.

Olivia looked at me and said, "How is your new schedule doing? Must be great since your away from Nick." My eyes widened and I just started talking without thinking. "You changed my schedule!" She started laughing, so did the two girls. "Why would you think that?" asked Olivia. "You aren't in any of my classes, only PE. And I didn't have PE yet." Olivia backed away a bit. "Girls! Back me up!" The girls shook their heads. "Sorry, but she got you." The laughed and left. "Oh yeah, you can just pay us tomorrow!' said one of the girls. "So Olivia?" Olivia faced Martha in terror. "What are you gonna do now?"

Olivia just pouted and left. After she left, Martha high fived me. "That was amazing! Sorry, I didn't believe you." I forgave her. "It's fine, but how did she manage to do that?"

*Time Skip to after school*

I was able to fix my schedule and now my life is back to normal. I exited the office and saw Nick outside. "Nick?" I say under my breath. Nick walked up to me and said, "Let's walk home together." I accepted since we live next to each other. While walking, it was complete silence, like last time. I opened my mouth, about to say something, but Nick stopped me. "Why were you in the office?" asked Nick without looking at me. I decided to lie. "I just needed to see something." "And what was that something?" I lied again. "If my brother was home. He said that he was going to the store after school." Nick just nods, but it didn't look like he believed me.

We were able to make it home and Lawrance wasn't home. I looked around for the spare key and there was a note. 'I had to use the spare key since I couldn't find my keys.' -Lawrance. I sighed. "Need a place to stay?" I turn around and see Nick. I shook my head. "It's fine. I'm sure the back door is open." Nick shrugged. "Alright. If you can't get in, you know where to find me." Nick left and went to his house. I headed to the back door and tried to open it. "Locked," I say to myself. I look over at Nick's house. "Can't believe I'm doing this." I head over to Nick's house and knock on the door.

The door opened and was met with a boy who looks older than me and Nick. "Need something?" asked the boy. Before I said anything I see Nick behind the boy. "Kim? It's fine, she's a friend." The boy looked at me and left. "Don't be so loud, got it?" Nick nods and looks at me. "Couldn't get in?" I look away and nod. Nick chuckled. I glanced over at Nick and said, "Can I come in?" Nick nods and gives me some space to enter. I walked into the house and Nick said we can hang out in his room. I walk into his room and asked a question. "Who was that?" Nick responded. "My brother Zack." I nod and close the door. "I thought you called your brother?" asked Nick while sitting on his bed. I just stood up and nodded.

"I did. Like I said he headed out." I could tell he didn't believe me. "Then you should've had a key right?" I couldn't think of anything to back me up. Nick got up from his bed and stood in front of me. "Why were you in the office?" I opened my mouth slightly, thinking of what to say. "L-Like I said, I went to call my brother." "Couldn't you just called him from your phone?" I didn't think this through. "Yeah, but my phone died." You could tell the nervousness in my voice. "Liar." Nick leaned in and kissed me. He pushed me against a wall and just continued to kiss me. I moved my head away from Nick in order to breath. "Nick! Get off of me!" Nick moved my head to face his. "I will when you tell me the truth."

He leaned in closer again and kissed me. He pinned my hands above my head so I wouldn't push him back. I then feel his hand behind me. "What's going on?!" Nick stopped and I see Zack. He just crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame. "What do we have here?" Zack said with a grin. Nick moved away from me and just sat on his bed. "What do you want?" asked Nick a bit annoyed. I just stood where I was. "You got a phone call from mom. Better check what she wants." Nick groans and walks out of the room. Zack looks at me and says. "You alright?" I nod looking away. "Sorry for what happened earlier." I apologize. I can hear Zack walking up to me. "It's fine, besides, " Zack bangs his hand on the wall, cornering me. "I can finish off where Nick left off." 

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