The Days of Gold

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(Naomi POV)

"Easy!" I cried out as I raised up a box full of toys. Two pairs of kids ran under, each holding wooden weapons Sensei have them to practice with. "Slow it down! You'll get hurt!"

"Okay momma!" Melanie squealed as they each turned the corner. I grunted, unconvinced in the four running around.

Mikey and Mikito's kid was the youngest of them all. Tabitha was as rambunctious as her parents but with three times the energy. She seemed to lead the group of kids though. Which was.... frightening to say the least. Melanie was growing up like Raph, impatient as all hell with an attitude to match, but she could also pitch in a wise saying like myself every now and again. Adrian took an interest in Donnie and his work, sometimes going to Leo. I would imagine that, once they all matured, Adrian would lead them all. Opal on the other hand.... A rolling ball of shedding fur that acted like her mother. Stubborn with a mouth to go all out on anything she didn't care for.

And another was on the way... After Sophie got her memory back, her and Leo went to be alone for... basically the entire day. But I couldn't blame them or anyone. But Sophie was expecting any day now and Donnie suspected it would be a life birth. Her cat form was... Something else. Nobody expected it.

But kids aside, I was putting up their old toys in boxes and setting them in Sophie and Leo's room. They needed the toys a lot more than the other kids did. They only wanted gadgets that Donnie made and training. Natural for kids. I imagined that was how the boys acted at that age though.

I taped another box and put it on the pile. Three boxes now. Enough to carry. Grabbing the bottom box, I picked up with my knees, leaning back a little and catching the bottom box with my shorts' hem. Yeah, I wear clothes now. Didn't want to be naked all the time... No shell and all. I wore shorts, cut at the ends to make them frilly looking. They were originally jeans too. And then the forever fashionable T-Shirt.

"Kids! Come on!" I paused at the sound. Boxes still in hand, I saw the kids run out of the lab with some tools of Donnie. Sure enough Donnie followed suit directly after them, holding his head in a stressed way. He saw me and sighed, "Naomi..."

"In a moment, Donnie," I told him, situating the boxes more. "Gotta put these up." And without another word, I turned and left for Sophie's room.

Since the door was propped open all I had to do was gently kick it open. In the room, Sophie was resting on the bed with an open book in her hand. I smiled at her and set the boxes down lightly in the corner by the crib Sensei helped put up. With a gentle pat on the top of the boxes, I turned and came up to my gold-brown tabby sister.

Sophie, too, started wearing clothes. But only a tanktop and shorts as well. But not as long as mine. Her fur was too heavy for long shorts like mine. No, April loaned Sophie and Julie some of her old ones. Also where I got the jeans but I cut mine for room for training.

But when I neared Soph, I took the book from her hands or paws... whatever you want to call them, and set it on the bedside table beside her head. She didn't move but that was fine. I smiled and left, passing Leo on the way.

He looked at me and smiled as I passed. I nodded at him as I went to go help Donnie with the kids.

Donnie was chasing the kids, trying to corner them. But they were slick and avoided him. So I stepped up and cleared my throat. Adrian and Melanie stopped and looked at me. I raised an eye ridge at them and they smiled innocently, setting the tools down.

Tabitha and Opal only looked at me and laughed, fleeing into the dojo. I groaned as Donnie picked up the tools my kids took. From the dojo I heard a pair of groaning children as Splinter began scolding them. Opal and Tabitha left the dojo with tools in hand and heads low. I watched them come back up to Donnie and give him his tools back.

"Thank you... And you know better, Opal. Don't do it again or your grounded," The purple masked Turtle frowned at his daughter.

The green replica of Julie nodded and looked down, putting her hands behind her back. "Sorry, daddy..."

"Okay... Now go play," Donnie ushered the kids away. The four giggled and fled to the rooms.

At the moment, the girls each shared rooms with the boys; Sophie with Leo, Julie with Donnie, Mikito with Mikey, and myself with Raph. Since the kids have grown up, we've assigned rooms for them from us girls' old rooms. Adrian and Melanie took my old room, Opal was in Julie's, and Tabitha inside Mikito's old room. When Sophie's child becomes old enough, he would have Sophie's old room. That's the plan at least.

So with the kids running off into the hall way, I looked at Donnie and he sighed, going back to his lab.

That was when I heard sine laughs and giggles from the tunnels. I looked over to see Mikito and Mikey returning from a date. I rolled my eyes and flicked my tail, crossing my arms as they entered through the toll booths. They saw me and they began giggling again.

"Have fun?" I asked, giving a small smile for them. "Because your daughter has been up to no good as always."

"But she's so innocent!" Mikito countered with a giant grin. "How could she ever get in trouble? She's too cute!"

"She has my affordable freckles, duh," Mikey grinned, raising his hands up to his cheeks. His freckles were still there, but they had begun to fade a little. From fifteen when we met the boys to now almost twenty, Julie almost twenty-one now.

Mikito giggled at Mikey's comment. They were still twitter-paited with one another and I hoped it lasted. If Mikey ever hurt Mikito... Well... I don't think I should talk about that now... Everyone understands the jist.

"Well at least talk with her. She could have gotten hurt," I sighed, giving up on the argument.

They smiled and nodded, going to the rooms. I watched them go for a few moments, swishing my tail. That was when Raph tried to sneak up on me. I smirked and sidestepped him as he tried to grab my waste.

"No fair!" He huffed. "Seriously! I don't like how you always know I'm there."

"Yeah, well," I shrugged, smiling at him. "You shouldn't be so loud and obvious."

He smirked and came up to me, wrapping me close. He kissed me gently and chuckled softly. "So... You know.... What happens next between all of us?"

"That's a really good question, actually," I smiled, turning around so my back was against his plastron. He wrapped his arm around me, kissing the top of my head. "I have an idea..."

"Oh, yeah? What's that?" he asked. "Because I'm curious."

"Shredder..." I answered, looking toward the hallway to where the four kids were now tackling Mikito and Mikey down on the floor with wooden weapons. "I think we need to end him finally..."

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