The Rise of Dragons

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(Julie POV)

Donnie and I were relaxing in the lab after the child incident. It was always nice to relax with him especially with all of us taking turns baby sitting. I guess it was one of the perks of being a parent. There were days I would complain even Mikito's ear off and then there were days I couldn't.

Watching Donnie's legs stick out from under the Shell Raiser made me smile. Of course, I would help. But never under, over, or around most of the things Donnie did. My fur would always get stuck and, if we couldn't get it free, would have to cut it. It always grew slowly.

"Jules?" Donnie asked eventually, making me jump a little. It was sudden. "Could you get me the ball wrench please."

I didn't answer as I went over to the shelf of tools. As I opened a drawer to get the tool I heard a giant and familiar pop. Even though it was familiar it always made me jump because it was random and were never scheduled.

Walking back over to Donnie, I gently tapped the skateboard he was laying down on with my foot. He rolled out from under the Raiser and smiled at me, "Thanks, honey. Dragons back?"

"Assume so," I smiled right back. He took the wrench and rolled back under his invention. "Don't want to say hi with me?"

"I gotta get everything ready..." the purple masked Turtle sighed, barely audible. "You heard Naomi... And if we are, we're gonna need all the help we can get."

"I know," I sighed. Naomi announced that we would be taking on Shredder soon. Everyone started everything. Maybe that's why the kids were getting into more trouble than usual, because nobody would watch them because they were worried. I didn't answer Donnie again as I left the lab.

As soon as I left the lab, a small ball of hard iron hit me in the stomach and sent me down. I thought Mikey had thrown something.

"Kohin, no!" I heard my white Dragon growl. The ball of overlapping iron uncurled and looked at me with wide green eyes. "Off."

The young Dragon looked at me once more before giving a loud call that sounded like a bear but with a high pitched voice. It then turned tail and half hopped half flew toward Shol. The White Dragon was watching the silver metallic creature carefully.

"Who's that?" I asked as I sat then stood up, making sure to brush myself off carefully.

Blue eyes locked onto me, making my fur stand in an uncomfortable way. "Kohin," Shol replied. My Dragon raised a paw and placed it on the young one's back, trying to keep him still. "My son. Along with Topaz's. She is out hunting before you ask where she is."

I looked at Kohin and blinked, unsure how to take it. There's two adult dragons with eight adults already fighting over them. One young Dragon with soon to be five kids fighting over it. Oh this should be delightful....

Apparently I was frowning, showing my expression of my thoughts. Shol blew warm air in my general direction. "Kohin will choose. Just as we chose."

"Yeah but not until the kids are older. We don't need broken bones from too much rough housing," I crossed my arms, wondering where the kids suddenly were. It was too quiet. "Opal!" I shouted.

A few seconds went by before the kids were coming out of the dojo. I breathed out, forgetting they had time with Sensei as well. Meditating. They needed to do that more often.

As soon as they saw Shol, all the kids went over to the white beast, screaming and shouting, wanting a ride or to see fire (mostly Melanie with the fire).

But when Adrian saw Kohin he reached hist hands out to the silver fledgling with a giant smile, "I want it!"

Kohin wasn't exactly fond of all the attention, even if it was on Shol. When the young Dragon saw Adrian reaching for him, the fledglimg screeched like a siren. I winced while the kids jumped and backed up. It took them a second to figure out where the sound had come from. Kohin hissed and spread his wings to look bigger before backing up under the belly of Shol for protection.

"I do not think you will have to worry about that for a long while, Juliet," Shol chuckled. Good point. Kohin didn't really care for the kids at the moment. I was relieved, mostly.

Another pop made the kids scream and look over toward the tunnels where Topaz was coming through. Kohin saw his mother and darted over. I watched him as he jumped up on the back of Topaz as if Naomi would and curl up behind the base of her neck. It made me wonder if Naomi was part Dragon because she would do the exact thing on days Topaz stayed over night.

"Juliet," Topaz cooed at me. I smiled and watched the kids carefully. They were being cautious around Kohin now, probably not wanting to scare him again. "You have met Kohin?"

I nodded, "Oh, yes. Definitely has the hard scales of Shol." My Dragon looked at me sideways. "But also has the top scale shine as he does as well."

"I make sure Kohin is well cleaned. Termites love young dragons because their scales are weaker and the skin reminds then of wood," the mother muttered, turning to her child before back toward me.

By now the kids have lost interest again and we're heading back in the dojo. Kohin had wondered where the screaming and many voices went so he got down off his mother and decided to follow the five.

"Five..." I groaned. I turned to the dragons. "You do realize we're trying to stop Shredder? Bringing in another child is only going to distract us more!"

"Kohin?" Shol asked, almost bewildered. "He may be young, but certain dragons mature faster than others. Since Kohin is part Night and part Angel Dragon, it was hard to tell at first. We brought him to see where he truly is at his stage in development. He has my maturity."

"And how could you tell?"

"He hissed at Adrian. He did not want the attention and wanted to be left alone," Shol challenged. "If he was immature he would have joined the children in their screaming and laughter."

"Comforting..." I sighed. I could only imagine what a screaming dragonling could sound like. "So other than Kohin, what's the other reason you're here?"

"To visit of course," Topaz answered as if it were obvious. "We have not seen you all since Sophia has regained her memories."

"Yeah, no kidding."

Everyone went quiet for a moment. Until Shol spoke back up again, "So to stop Shredder... How will we begin?"

I didn't know how to answer that so I stayed quiet and shrugged. My arms crossed again and I turned toward the lab as I heard footsteps. Donnie came out with oil on his face in multiple places. Being me, I couldn't help but giggle.

"What?" He asked, looking at me. I only pointed and Donnie sighed, rubbing at his face with his wrist wrapping. "Be quiet..." It took him a few seconds before turning back to the dragons. "Well, if you're going to join in the fight, I have something in mind you two may like."

Instantly both dragons' heads were basically craning forward to hear what Donnie had to say. They were silent and the whole lair seemed quiet almost, even with kids and dragonling in the dojo. Even I was curious as to what Donnie was up to.

"Armor," he smiled with his gap-toothed grin. "Just like in the old days."

Shol craned his head back, making his neck look like a serpent about the strike. At first I thought he was going to refuse. "I am not sure if I will enjoy it... But if it will protect me from Shredder and possible Kraang more, I would like to see how it would be like."

"I will try it out as well," Topaz cooed softly, watching Donnie carefully.

"Good!" The purple masked turtle clapped hua hands together. "Let's get some measurements and molds together then, eh?"

Without another word, Donnie went back into the lab with a white and a black Dragon trailing after. I sighed and smiled, wondering what Donnie was up to. I heard a scream from the dojo, one of the girls, and sighed, wondering what the kids were up to.

Shoulders drooping, I went to help Sensei out with the kids.

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