Mikito's Fun

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(Mikito POV)

So much had been going on in the lair. The kids had been with Sensei more which meant the adults had more time to discuss Shredder plans. The dragons brought a hatchling that was just too cute. I think they named him... Korin or something like that. I just couldn't help but stare at his silver scales with odd red marks. Where the red marks came from, I'm not sure. Probably a descendant.

At the moment, I was in mine and Mikey's room. We had been busy with smoke bombs since the others were busy with helping Donnie with dragon armor, with the kids, with Sophie, or trying to solve the Shredder problem once and for all. I occasionally visited Sophie. She was getting bigger and bigger each day. Donnie says that she would be expecting any minute. It made me wonder if Leo would have a kitten or a turtle. I hoped it was a kitten. I could love on it.

Crack. I looked up from my smoke bomb and saw Mikey looking at the ground where a broken egg was laying. Yolk was leaking from the mess.

"Oops..." Mikey muttered. "I didn't mean it..."

"Well clean it up," I smiled at him. The egg I had in my hand was cleaned and was about to go through the drilling process.

With our smoke bombs, we use eggs. We clean them and then carefully drill holes on the top and bottom of the egg. We blow the extra yolk and insides of it in a bowl which we put in the fridge so Mikey could make scrambled eggs in the morning. We then let the insides dry out and then when done we cover one end and fill the other end with flash powder. That's when we cover the other end. And boom! We have our smoke bombs.

Mikey had gotten up and grabbed a washcloth. I watched him as he bent down and picked the egg's insides up then scrubbed the floor to make sure no sticky residue was left. I couldn't help but smile and giggle a little. He stopped to look at me, making me stop and smile innocently. He chuckled and went back to scrubbing.

"We should do something more productive," Mikey sighed as he finished. He sat back on his legs and looked at the floor. "Smoke bombs are great but the kids can do them." Once again he sighed and this time turned his head upward toward the pipes and ceiling. "We should be out there doing things."

"But we are doing things," I countered as I pressed the knob on the handle of the drill to make it whir. I let the button go and watched him. "We're making plans to stop Shredder. Smoke bombs are one of them."

Another sigh came from the orange-masked Turtle. "That's not what I meant." That's when he turned to face me, blue eyes wide. "When was the last time we went out on a date?"

"We were coming in from one when Naomi said we needed to stop Shredder?" I asked, trying to remind him.

"Besides that one!" he groaned, tilting his head back. "Besides... That felt like ages ago." he turned his head right again and grinned. "We need out of the lair anyway. We should get Casey and April and go out on a double date."

I nearly dropped the egg in my hand. "A double date?" I whispered loudly. I knew if I spoke too loud the kids would want in, dojo or not. "Mikey, we've barely been on single dates!"

"Exactly!" Mikey grinned as he stood up and came up to me. He took the egg and drill from my hand only to set them on the table. "It'll be a great experience. Casey and April have been on plenty so we can see how they act. Then we learn from them!"

Although he was smiling it wasn't comforting me much. I hummed in thought, wondering what would happen to the smoke bombs. They needed to be done. But Mikey did have a point. Then again.. When was the last time him and I bailed out on something? Made the others growl and grumble with our crazy ideas?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2020 ⏰

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