chapter seven

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Chapter seven name: Training Some Lame Ass Pack That Sadly Used To Be Mine

*Konner's pov*

Rogues. Not very fun. They have attacked us and now we have to have some pack come and train us. I think it's the Silver Snow pack. Supposedly the alpha is a female and a rogue. They say she  created the pack for revenge. On who rumor doesn't say. Ever since Riley left the pack has fallen apart. I've mated Madison since she was technically my girlfriend. The food she cooks is terrible. Although she tries. The place is full of trash. Hopefully Riley will come back.

*Riley's pov*

Oh dear lord I hate the elders right now. We have to go back to my old pack to help them train since they don't know how to fight.

"Bert can you come here please!" I yell since I don't want to mind link him. He come racing through the door.

"What Riley?" He asks.

"Gather four of the best warriors and start packing. We have to train my old pack. We're leaving tonight."

(I will add more to this chapter.)

Later that night.

We gathered together in the meeting room. I have to make sure we are all here. Lets see Alan, Harry, Gary, and Bert. We left as soon as I had enough of the arguing. Yes if they all in the meeting room, which is huge with white walls and a large oak wood table in the middle of the room, they start to argue.

'We are almost there. There's only about a mile left.' I mind link the guys. I want to give them a surprise.

'Okay guys I'm gonna give them a surprise.'

'Alrighty then.'

I turn my truck into an opening so that I can shift. I get out and turn into Luna. I run very fast back to the others. Which is about the speed of light. We all start going to the pack. We get to the gate with me mind linking Bert.

'Bert you've got to pretend that you are the alpha got it.'

'Yes Riley.'

Bert reaches over to push the buzzer to let is in. I run to the front of the trucks.

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