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Amarra in MM.

In the mean time, Amarra went right back to Abigail as soon as she saw what Raven was capable of so far. She couldn't find her at first so she asked around, someone said they saw her at the cherry blossom tree with a basket. Amarra watched her for a few minutes, Abigail pulled out a few candles and salt. She layed the salt into a pentagram and then lined up the candles at every point on it.

"Mother.. What are you doing?" Amarra interrupted her. 

Abigail turned her head slightly seeing her daughter from the corner of her eye. "Don't you have a job to do? Why are you here?" She asked slightly annoyed.

Amarra rolled her eyes, "I have some news about Raven.." She paused waiting for her mother's full attention. When she turned around that's when she continued, "She has taken possession of a mortal's mother. He can see her, but he didn't notice Raven entering his mother's body." She filled her in.

Abigail turned fully around immediately, "And you left her alone why? I swear you are just as incompetent as your bastard of a father. I'll see to the situation myself then, you are dismissed." Abigail scolded her then disappeared.


On the other hand, Raven arrived at Whitney's job site with the help of Vic. He was worried about his mom thinking she was feeling a little under the weather. But he still had NO idea that, that's not really his mother. On the inside Whitney was now trying to fight her way back into her own body but Raven was getting stronger and stronger as time was going by.

"What's happening? Get out of my head you crazy bitch!" Whitney screamed on the inside.

Raven laughed a little at her attempts to push through. "Not until I'm done with you." She replied back.

She waltzed in the building and immediately someone grabbed her taking her to a conference room. The lady was talking about the latest sales that were going on and how they were decreasing. Raven was getting overwhelmed, as she was walking people were handing her files. Once she got into the conference room, she shut and lock the doors but nobody noticed. There were about fifteen people sitting and watching her every move.

"Well, let's get this started." Raven spoke like she knew what was going on. Mean while Whitney was still freaking out on the inside. She knew this would never work and eventually someone would notice something was wrong.

Well, that's at least what she was hoping for.


Super short, I have writers block.





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