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Jasmine's pov
Monroe and I had  been on watch all last night.It's been two days and the grounders haven't attacked yet.

I was helping in the steakhouse with Octavia,Murphy and Dell when Dell kept feeding the fire."Stop feeding the fire Dell"I said "But it down with stop wet leaves"Octavia said "You learned that from your grounder boyfriend"Dell said back"Fuck off"I yelled back

Since Dell with his jackass self didn't listen to the three of us the bloody steakhouse caught on fire.Once we  got out of the fire ,Murphy and Dell started fighting and Bellamy had to break them apart."Save it for the grounders""What are we gonna do now that was all the food"Octavia yelled.

After we put the fire out we searched to see if any meat was left but every piece of crap was burned up.Some people were going hunting in groups of three.I was in Raven's tent making more bullets,when she walked in and grabbed her  bag and started packing."Your going hunting too?"I asked "No I'm leaving""Oh really and to where?""I'll find someplace".She reached onto the table and gave me three bullets"Its just you till jasper gets back and helps you""You can't leave,I won't let  you,We need you,you come up with the most brilliant ideas""You come up with brilliant ideas too""most of the time , but you can call me an engineer in training I barely know stuff.......It's my brother isn't it"Raven nodded her head yes"You have to move on raven if he doesn't want to change himself then leave him be.i'm also your family and there are plenty of cute boys around here, Sterling um..... And if Murphy didn't have that psycho act he would be cute I think""you can't name them can't you"Raven said"Nope, please stay R""Fine""Yes""Let's get ready then"

Raven and I had been thinking about anything that could prepare us for the grounder attack."Radios"Raven said"Brilliant, we would be able to fight as a team""See we need you"

Raven,Monty and I were working on the radios."Did you find anything?""Yes Data log,wanna hear something weird".Monty pushed on a wire to hear a warbling noise"sounds like interference"No it gets weirder,when the signal hit,the nav system went nuts""I need the radio""Wait,my family's up there"Monty said."I'm sorry".Raven pulled the plug.We heard commotion outside.When I went outside I saw all the hunters coming in."Where's Finn?""He didn't come back"Murphy said."Don't worry I'm sure Clarke's keeping him out of trouble"Murphy smirked looking at Raven.When Raven walked away I walked up to Murphy."Don't talk about it,she trying to forget it,so keep your blasted mouth shut".I said

I walked up to Bellamy's tent to hear Raven's voice."Take off your clothes"A pang of jealousy filled my chest.I was gonna stop this.I was deciding on wether I should go in but before I go in I heard moaning coming from the tent. I had questions forming ing my head .Where Bellamy and I really a thing?.I felt hurt and anger and I wanted that to go away.I went into mine and Octavia's tent and grabbed my make shift night and sneaked out the fence.I sat outside on a rock and placed the knife on my wrist and pulled the knife across looking at the blood spill out ,I was about to make another cut when I heard rustling in the trees.I stood up surprised to see Zorion."Hi Jasmine""Hi"I was wondering if he had seen me do that"Shouldn't you be against me ,my people and your people are in war""I don't hate your people.....Come on I want to show you something"We walked through the woods for a long time.

When I finally reached Zorion's cave I saw a huge drawing on the wall."That looks nice""It represents your people and my people"While he was drawing I was looking around the cave to see a sword in the corner."Is that your sword?""No it was my sister""was?""Yes the mountain men took her""Who are the mountain men""I don't know but I know they have these mask that they wear ""Have you tried looking for her""Of course I have she was all I had left but I never found her...........How about I teach you to use a sword for the war"I paused on what I was gonna say."You want to teach me how to use a weapon that could help me slaughter your people""Don't think about it that way""I guess sure"

It took me forever to practicing using the sword but then I got the hang of it.After about an hour later.I had to go back but before I left Zorion turned around."Jasmine don't do that to yourself your too pretty"I knew exactly what he was talking about"Thank you"

I got back to camp and went into the dropship to see Raven and Monty."Where have you been?"Raven asked"In my tent I needed a break""We're going to look for Clarke,Finn and Myles"Monty said"bring the radios""Should I get Ainsley"I asked anything to not be in the same room as
Raven."Sure she can come".

I rushed out the dropship and walked over to Ainsley's tent.I pulled the flap open to see her fiddling with her fingers."Do you want to go look for Finn,Clarke and Myles with me?""Sure I'll get ready""You don't need to bring anything""Ok"Ainsley walked to the dropship while I turned to look at Bellamy's tent before my mind could think my feet did the work.I walked in to see Bellamy with his hands in his head.

When he heard my movement he looked up.When I met his eyes I saw regret and guilt in them."Jasmine I have something to tell you and you probably will want to punch the life out of me I-""screwed Raven".More regret flashed in his eyes"I heard everything""I'm really sorry".Before I thought of what I done I slapped him across the face."I deserved that and more"I felt tears prickling at my eyes."You bastard how could you do that to me !"I pushed him and he he didn't even do anything he just looked at the ground.Then all the anger I had build up in me, I let it all out and punched him across the face.I looked at his cheek to see a bruise forming."I'm sorry"my voice cracking with tears flowing down my face too.I held my hand and my forehead turning away from him."I'm sorry""Like I said I deserved it"Before he walked out.I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around,I stepped on my tiptoes and kissed him on the lips."I forgive you,I'm sorry I hit you""I forgive you too"


We were out looking for Clarke,Finn and Myles.Monty,Ainsley and I were in a group while Bellamy Raven and Octavia were in another group.While Ainsley and I were walking the front Monty was chatting away about the radio but we didn't hear his voice any more when I turned around I saw trees."Where the hell is Monty?"I asked.Ainsley turned around and looked too."He was just there a few seconds ago".We heard rustling in the bushes I had my gun raised as I slowly walked over to the bush when I pulled away .I saw Myles."Where is Clarke and Finn?""Grounders took them".I felt numb He could have been dead by now or they could have been torturing  him like what they did with Murphy.
I radio Raven,when she came over I explained what happened."we need to make a stretcher"Raven said with sadness in her voice.

When we got back to camp I sat on a rock by the fire looking staring at it worrying about my brother and what could happen to .him

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