Shower, my love

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My body went rigid as I heard him say that I was in HIS room and not a spare. I saw him smirk at my now small frame underneath the blankets. Which I clutched tightly over my breasts.
"I have an outfit for you so go get a shower then we are going to a party" he said turning around, he walked out the the door the heels of his boots clacking against the floor. I rested against the headboard and sat pondering,
'He didn't do anything right? Did he? I don't feel any diffrent ' as these thoughts ran rampant through my mind the blanket slipped down a little to the point where it just barely covered me. I heard him coming back and quickly pulled the blanket up to my collarbone. He came through the door with a flourish, a poof of red silk dangling from his hand as well as something that looks similar to a corset. That was exactly what it was.
''You need a corset for this Dress love, and the maid is a little busy so I will help you.'' He said with an evil smirk.
"THIS IS THE DUCKING 20 FIRST CENTURY WHY THE HELL DO I NEED A DUCKING CORSET!" I screeched angrily letting the blanket fall I grabbed it quickly and pulled it back up but it was to late. He crept over to me, getting on the bed. He placed himself over me and brought his face so close to mine our noses almost touched.
"You know your body isn't bad, maybe I should just-" he placed his hand on the blanket and pulled down softly. He brought his head so my chin rested on top of his head and pressed his lips to my skin. He came away slightly with a light pop. He raised himself to look me in the eyes again,
"Kiss me" he whispered and his lips conected with mine it was entrancing and he watched as my eyes shut and I gave in to the kiss. He pulled away and said,
"Time to get ready"
Time skip with you moaning while jason tightens your corset

"Where is this party" I asked
"At a friends house, well mansion actually"
"How are we getting there "
"I'm going to carry you, and we will fly there" he smirked
"What!" My eyes widened, he slipped his arms under me picked me up and ran out the door, my dress fluttering behind us.

Hey shadow warriors hopes this makes up for the last shitty chapter. Oh by the way if you are wondering I get my ideas from dreams and fantasies I have so yeah I will also be doing black butler soul eater walking dead other cp ' s  so yeah oh and I don't wanna nag but I don't know if u guys like this so plse comment or vote☺ love u guys!
Me: say bye jason
Him:bye lovely dolls

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