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(If there are any spelling errors tell me please)

when we got home josh helped me to my room and left without saying anything what dos this mean for us was i just a rebound after they broke up am I now Irrelevant?!
TaYLor:hi :(
Jishjosh: what's wrong?! Are you okay?!
Jishjosh:what's wrong with us?
TaYLor: you and debby
TaYLor: wow
TaYLor has left the chat
What a fucking asshole :( we had something real or so I thought
he knows I have severe depression and this shit doesn't fucking help. I told myself I was going to stay clean so I had to try but it was so damn hard so I texted Tyler
Tylertown:heyo what's up you okay?
TaYLor:boy drama it's honestly so fucking stupid :(
Tylertown: I can come over if you want so we can talk about this?
TaYLor:honestly that would help so much :) hope Josh doesn't mind I cant figure him out anymore.
Tyler came over about half an hour after we talked when mike saw him he called Josh "actually I'm here for tay" said tyler
"I only call her tay " Josh interrupted
Tyler and I went to my room so we could talk in private Josh tried following us "Josh we are kinda having a private conversation sorry"
I shut the door and sat down beside Tyler I told him all that was going on with Josh and why I hurt myself he hugged me and told me it will get better and that I could stay with him for a few days till the things with Josh and I settle down "I have to ask my parents but they'll probably say yes because they want me to be okay which I'm not sure if I am right now"
I ran downstairs and pulled my mom aside so I could ask her she said yes
I ran upstairs and saw Tyler and Josh talking I ran to my room pulling Tyler with my "she said yes:))"
I packed my bags with tyler then started to head out the Door
Once I got there Tyler helped me unpack and it was 7 so I ordered pizza
You have 1 new message
Jishjosh: hi
TaYLor: hi
Jishjosh: why did you move out?
TaYLor: it's only temporary I just can't handle being there and seeing you everyday...
Jishjosh:I have to go debbys coming over
TaYLor: ●.●
I looked over at Tyler with tears in my eyes "holy shit why am I getting so torn up over this CRAp? "
"It's because what you felt for him was real and you can't just get over that"
"B-but I want to so bad:("
I went to my room cause I was ready to pass out I quickly threw on my pajamas and hopped into bed all of a sudden I hear a tap on the window I go to see who it is and it was Josh I quickly ran to the front door "Hi what's up is something wrong at the house?!"
"Yea something is wrong " Josh mumbled
"The fact you're not there!"
"Stop with these mixed signals I can't take anymore of this shit josh"
"Taylor i only got back together with debby so our parents weren't suspicious I couldn't tell you on my phone cause my dad checks everything and you never let. me she knows that me and her are dating so our parents arent suspicious. I LOVE YOU TAYLOR"
I quickly ran into his arms and we kissed a couple days ago I didn't know this person but now they're all I think about but what's going to happen with our parents ugh.

Go read wanted by frerardorjoshler2 it's about tøp too
Stay tuned for the next chapter

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