chapter 3

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Quinn sighed dramatically as her co-counseler, a short and very annoying brunette named Rachel, explained her many dreams of being a Broadway star. Quinn could never have guessed this was the way she would be spending her summer; with a nutcase that would never stop talking about herself. Great. At least she had a boy to look forward to - the tall, football player that had seen her with Brittany and Santana had certainly seemed interested.
"Quinn, hello? Just warning you, we're going to be together as lifeguards. In the 2'o'clock session. With.. Santana and Finn. Whoever they are." Rachel said, and Quinn growled, ripping her own schedule out of Rachel's tiny hands.
"What makes you think that you can take my personal items?" She stomped over to her side of the cabin and stuffed the schedule into the pocket of her dress, and looked over at Rachel.
"if you ever touch my belongings again, I promise, there will be consequences. I don't enjoy having hobbit germs on me. Ill probably end up getting ebook or something, and die. So you better stay over there-" Quinn started ranting, but as she caught sight of Rachel's face, she started to feel a bit sorry. Though the bitch didn't deserve her mercy, Quinn continued with less intensity, "on your side of the cabin. I really don't want this summer to be crap, so please, please don't make it bad."
"Okay. Sorry, I didn't know you were a germaphobic or whatever." Rachel returned with sass, as she gathered her cardigan and swept it over her shoulders. She continued to gather her things, making her bed tidy, and when she was done, she turned to stare at Quinn.


Quinn was so touchy, but I guess whoever had put them together in a cabin had done it for a greater purpose. Like they would have known that this girl, with her golden hair and eyes would captivate Rachel in a way she had never seen a boy before.
"I'm going out by the entrance gate to welcome the campers. So. Bye, Quinn." Rachel said, and the way the other girl's name felt on her lips felt weird, but she liked the feeling of it. She tore her gaze from Quinn's face, and took a breath before grabbing her schedule and stomping out the cabin, slamming the screen door behind her.
She had only took a few steps from the cabin before she heard a door closing, and footsteps.

Rachel, wait. Look, I'm sorry." Quinn's voice filled her ears, and infested her brain until it was all Rachel could hear. A beautiful angelic voice.
"I'm usually not such a bitch. Actually, most of the time I'm not. Mood swings, and all." Quinn stepped in front of her, and gave a little smile that made Rachel melt. This girl, who had just told her to fuck off three minutes ago, was no trying to reconcile with her. Rachel, the hobbit loser whose life was and always will be show choir, Broadway, and Barbra Streisand.
"Just try not to scream in my face,and we'll get along fine. As long as you can keep up with my passion for performing. I get that you're protective of yourself. I've pledged to remain celibate through high school." Rachel beamed, and Quinn let out a strangled laugh that sounded similar to a dying animal, as she took Rachel's arm and entwined it in her own.
She called me... dork? That's.. good, right? Better than loser or hobbit, or getting slushied in the face. Rachel smiled as they strolled down the path, into main camp.

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