chapter 1

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Two dark haired boys, the taller one wearing a football jersey and the other with an outfit that obviously had been fussed with and perfected for hours got out of a car, leaving a very fussy Carole Hudson behind, with Burt Hummel patting her shoulder.
"I'm going to miss you, boys. All summer, you'll be gone!" Carole shouted out of the open passenger side window, and Burt shook his head.
"You'll be fine. Finn," he nodded at the football player, "and Kurt, just be yourself. Have fun, both of you!" With that, Burt drove the car away.
"We better go now." Finn looked at the crowd of people passing them, entering the camp through a covered bridge.
"Off to 'Camp Glee - A place for aspiring performers and artists to come together, have fun, and be positively gleeful'. God. What a cliche." Kurt responded, rolling his eyes at the brochure in his hand. He crumpled it up and gave it to Finn, who skillfully aimed it at trashcan, and threw it. Of course it went in, and three very pretty girls their age swooned over Finn.
Typical. Not that Kurt was jealous, but he didn't want girls to swoon over him anyways. Girls were beautiful and all, but he didn't love them. Not like that.

Kurt and Finn walked to the main hall, where tables were set up to register the counselors. A middle aged man with a Camp Glee t-shirt and khaki shorts walked up to them, extending his hand and introducing himself.
"Hi! I'm Mr. Schuester, but you can call me Will."
"Hey,Will.  So, we're, uh, new counselors..? So..." Finn rambled, until a woman wearing a blazing red tracksuit strolled up, and looked Finn straight on in the eyes. He squirmed uncomfortably, and Kurt even felt intimidated by her.
"Fresh meat?" she asked, glancing at Will, who nodded stiffly.
"Right this way, then." She led Kurt and Finn to a table where a pretty redheaded woman sat, fidgeting with the stack of papers in front of her. "This is Erma-" The woman in the tracksuit began, but Will interrupted her, much to her dislike.
"Sue, her name is Emma, and you know that." He growled, getting in Sue's face. The tension was so thick in the air, you probably could have sliced it.
"I can call her whatever I want! I'm the boss around here!" Sue started shouted, drawing attention from all of the people in the building.
Willis face started to turn beet red, and he yelled right back. "And why is that, Sue? You hate music, and kids! And Emma's worked here as long as you have, so maybe you should show her some respect, starting with pronouncing her name right!"
"OH, no you didn't, buddy! Nobody gets up in Sue Sylvester's face! Nobody! I promise you, I will bring you down, Will Schuester! I will destroy you!" Sue tossed her face around, enraged, and when she finished yelling, she stomped outside, pushing a few stray people out of the way in the process.
"So. Um, that's Sue." Will grimaced, flattening his shirt down, before patting a suprised Kurt on the back, and walking away to help a confused blond with her knotted shoelaces.
Emma cleared her throat quietly, and gave Kurt and Finn a drawstring bag and and at shirt.
"All of your papers are inside. You should report to your cabins to get settled in and start setting everything up. The campers will be arriving in about-" Emma glanced down at her watch, and smiled at Will, who was oblivious to her, still helping the blond with her tangled shoelaces -"half an hour. Good luck to both of you. It's always nice to see new faces around here. Yay camp!" She clapped her hands, and smiled widely at the boys, and Kurt smiled back. Summer was off to a good start.

The boys continued farther into the camp, along a well-worn trail, and Kurt found himself admiring the forest. He never would have believed that he would be here, compared to the earlier summers, that he had spent alone, dreaming of a hunky teenage dream to come rescue him from the he'll hole that is Lima, Ohio. "I'm in cabin 6. With the little kids. Practically babies. " Kurt smiled down at his paper, and suddenly realized that he would be rooming with another boy, his co-counseler. He glanced farther down on the paper, and saw his name. Blaine Devon Anderson.
"Im in cabin 2. 8th graders. Ugh. It's gonna be horrible. Do you remember how horrible we were back then?" Finn groaned, before he glanced up to look at passing girls; of them was staring right at Finn, her huge brown eyes slightly disturbing Kurt as she stared at Finn. There was no doubt he was enjoying the attention. "Finn?"
"Hmm? Oh, well, yeah, but I wasn't one of the horrible ones."
That was only two years ago, so don't act like you're that much more mature. Kurt wanted to scream, but being a stepbrother sort of entailed him to not point out Finn's flaws every five seconds.
"Don't you remember how your friends used to tease me whenever they stayed the night because I'm gay?" Kurt reminisced, scowling at the memories. Finn sighed and looked at Kurt.
"They're not my friends anymore. They're total dickheads and I'm sorry how they treated you. We better get going. Less than half an hour till the kids are here."
"Bye, Finn. See you later."

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