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Shin Hwan startled with his question. She stop crying and hug him tightly.

"Oppa.. I know you know about me and Byung Hun oppa before... But that is all in my past.. after what had happen to us before, we promise to make our next love happy and fight for our love... and then you've come into my life.. you had change me to believe that we still have a chance to feel what is the true love... I had a dream to have a lot of beautiful boys around me and feel how a normal feel to have a crush and love... then I met you.." Suho still can't believe what he had see.

"so you really have a relationship with Byung Hun before.?" He still standing with no reaction. Shin Hwan look up at him.

"yes.. but my father against it.. so we break up and he continue with his career without seeing me again.. Until I met you... you had approach me with your smile.. your tender heart towards me.. I can feel that you really something... Special to me... I admit that I had fall on you.." Shin Hwan smile and she can feel that his hand crawling around her.

"So the things that you wanna say is.." Suho didn't finish his words yet.

"I love you, oppa.. neomu saranghae.." She continue his words.

He release his hug and kiss her lips with full of love. Shin Hwan can feel that she really can be happy without any hesitate.

"Let's go home.. I'll drive.. I will leave my bike in here.." He open the door for her and she sit beside him. He drive back sending her to her house.


"oppa.. gomawo.." She hold his hand. Suho look at her face and smile.

"for what my dear.?" He touch her face smoothly.

"For saving me.." She continue.

"all for you.. because I love you.." He kiss her cheek and he can see her blushing. "why are you blushing.??" he ask. 

"no I'm not..." she's pouting and Suho laugh at her.

"But you look cute when you're blushing baby.." He give a passionate stare to her.

"Oppa.. stop looking at me like that..." Shin Hwan push his face away slowly.

"Okay... ahahaha... night dear.." He kiss her hand softly.

"Nae oppa.. you too.. see you tomorrow.. and.. don't tell them about us... okay.." She warn her then she look at his bruise on his face. "Oppa.. you hurt.." She almost cry.

"Hurt for you.. it's okay for me.. as long I can protect you... go now.. Byung Hun already wait outside of your house.." he pointed at Byung Hun who already standing in front of the gate.

"nae.. oppa annyeong..." she close the door and waving at him.

He drive back to his house and park his car.

"yaa.... he just live in front of our house.. you can go and see him again tomorrow.." he brush her hair.

"Oppa... hajima... hieshhh,..." she entering her house and she can hear Byung Hun laugh at her.


"hyung... what happen to your handsome face.???" Kai cup his face.

"yaaa.. Black boy.. I'm okay.. don't worry.." He's joking.

"hyung.. stop calling me that... or I will add your bruise on you face..." Kai mad at him but he just laugh hardly.

"where did you go.?? how did you get a bruise on your face..?" Kyungsoo appear from his room.

"Something happen.. I had fall from the stairs.." He make his poker face again.

"did you think that I'm too stupid to believe.?" Chanyeol slap his back.

"yaaa....! you should help me not yelling at me..." Suho whining at him. "aahhh... I feel that I'm gonna faint.. arkk.. Chanyeol ahh.. help me..." Suho pretending to faint but Chanyeol just walk away.

"ahahahaha.!!! Hyung.. you deserve that..!! ahahahaha...!" Kai laugh loudly when he saw what Chanyeol did.

"shut up black boy.." Chanyeol drinking his water.

"hyung,,!" Kai kick his butt and run away. 

"did something happen.??" Kyungsoo help him to clean the blood.

"not too serious..." Suho didn't want to tell the truth. He just smirk.

"depends on you if you want to tell me the truth or not.. just rest.. I will cook some porridge for you.." He stand up and walk to the kitchen. He cook a vegetable porridge for him.

"Oppa.. rest well.. see you tomorrow.. sleep well.. Love.." Jo Shin.

he just smile after looking at the message. "Cute.." he mumbling.

"who.??" Chanyeol voice make him shocked and close the message.

"yaaa... you really want me to die early right.. aigooo..." he stand up and close the door.

"jaljja hyung... See you tomorrow,," Chanyeol shout from the outside.

He switch off the lamp and sleep. But he forgot to eat the porridge that Kyungsoo cook for him.

"heishh.. I should eat first.. before that angry bird get more angry on me.. hahaa" he took the spoon and eat the porridge.

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