Minutes Before pt.2

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Recap: Great I'm soaking wet and don't have any clothes. I walked out of the room and saw..........

Kasey's P.O.V.
I saw them standing there! My two best friends in the whole entire world, Lexi and Tiffany! I scream and ran into there arms and gave them the biggest Huges! Then the first people that popped up behind them was Blake, Cam, and Aaron! They yelled "Suprise!" And I ran and hugged them too! I gave a hug to Blake as he lifted me off the floor hugging me tighter, Cam hugged me and rubbed my back, then I went to give Aaron a hug and he scooped me up and put me over his shoulder. And me being the crazy person I am a held on to his arm harder and had enough force to flip myself over. Then I heard Cam, Blake, Tiff (short for Tiffany), and Lex (short for Lexi) say " Damn you made that look like you've done it before!" And after they said that I just laughed my head off. I did a small little bow and they laughed a little too. Then we hear the back stage guy say " Everyone line up by the door it will start very soon." We ran down the hall, and I asked Cam if it was ok if Tiff could take some of the photos of this show with Derrick because she was a very good photographer, and if Lexi could help Christian with the DJ-ing because she dabbled in music a little bit. And of course Cam made it happen, he treats me like, as he likes to say, princess. I loved him, he was like a big brother. Next thing I know I hear our names being called over the loud speaker and the fans screaming there heads off. Everyone was called up except Blake and I the I heard Cam take the mic and say " And last but not least the two perfectly imperfect siblings!....... Blake and Kasey Gray!!!!" We ran out and step on the barricades together then hopped on stage. And then the show began!

Hope you guys are enjoying the story. It would be awesome if you guys voted on my story. I mean but you don't have to. Last one for tonight. Love you guys so much!

Holding on, pushing away -Hunter Rowland-Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt