Trevor Jackson Imagine

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Yn: Dawg do I have to come with you?

YS(your sister): we're already here Yn. Meet and Greets don't even last that long. Plus *winks* Trevor is sexy.

Yn: *rolls eyes* oh.

They both get out of the car and into the building the M&G is held at. A scream rings out and all the girls rush to where the screaming is coming from..including your sister.

You try and look over the heads of girls for your sister then decide to give up.

Walking outside through the alley you bump into someone.

Yn: oh I'm sorry.

??: it's okay I'm sorry *sniffs*

Yn: are you ok?

??: yeah I'm -

Yn: you don't have to lie...

??: I just don't think I can do this anymore! *sits down and pulls hood more over their face, you can hear their sobs*I don't deserve this. I'm not special enough..

You don't know why you care for this stranger but you do. You know that they won't hurt sit next to them.

Yn: look, i don't know who you are or what you're going through but you shouldn't let anything get you this down. If you worked hard for it then you do deserve it and no matter what your doing , even if its just existing you have to know your special. Don't beat yourself up. Just have confidence in yourself.*pats their back*

??: *sniffs and wipes face* your right. *looks at you* I did work really hard for this and I do need I be confident.

Yn:*smiles* see! *gets up and offers them a hand*

??:*takes it and gets up& hugs you, their hood falling off*thank you.

Yn:Your welco-*he pulls away from the hug and looks at you* your Trevor.

Trevor: *chuckles* now that you know Trevor is a big crybaby..what's your name?

Yn:*unphased but laughs* I'm Yn.

Trevor:Aren't you gonna go run and tell everyone.

Yn: No. It's none of their business.

-The girls in the building start chanting really loud-


Yn: You better get back in there.

Trevor: Not before I do this *kisses you* thanks for listening.

Yn:*breathless* Anytime.

Trevor: *writes his number on ur hand before kissing you again and running through the back door the girls scream*

Yn: *breathes out* Now I see why they all love Trevor.

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