Ashton Irwin imagine *Personal* for beth_loves_5sos Part2

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*zzzzz zzzzz zzzz*

I groan and pick up my phone seeing that I have 15 missed calls 12 voicemails and 10 threatening texts all from my parents. I roll at my eyes and my eyes focus on the time on my phone that tells me it's 10:14. I get up without really wanting to and go to the hot shower the hotel offers me. I soon become consumed in the hot water and almost suffocating steam.

I stay relaxed and dazed in there for 40 minutes and only get out because of my pruned fingertips.

'THE STORY OF MY LIFE ILL TAKE HER HOMEEEEEE!!'. I bob my head to 1D an drive around looking for something to do in this god forsaken city. I get to the strip of life and suddenly I'm thinking of vampires for a strange reason. I shake off that random feeling and pull into a Starbucks. I'm in desperate need of caffeine and to further wake up my brain.

When I go in the store I'm devoured in the smell of coffee beans and I inhale deeply. It's one of my favorite smells. The line is long and right next to me on the wall is a bulletin board with all the events coming up in the city. There's a party at this school called "The House of Night" which is a weird ass name for a high school. But it's open to the public and it's free. I keep looking and see a book signing is taking place in Barnes&Nobles with L.J.Smith ...I'm definitely gonna have to check that out. That's today's too! And hmmm.. Lets see. I continue looking at the board and am startled when someone taps me from behind. I turn to face the person who the finger is attached to an take in the most gorgeous guy I have ever met. His brown hair is swept to one side, a beanie covering most of his hair. His pink lips are inviting, smiling as his white teeth fight to be seen, and last but not least those eyes ... OMG THEY'RE THE SAME ONE FROM MY DREAM!!!! I look straight into the hazel eyes I've been trying to forget since this morning and totally forget that this is an actual person I'm looking at and he probably thinks I'm the weirdest chick on the planet. I quickly look away.

"Are you ok?" I look at him but my eyes don't look at his.

"Y-yeah." My subconscious rolls her eyes at me and I mentally face palm myself. Since when do I stutter?!

'Since the hot guy from Tulsa talked to u.' I roll my eyes at my subconscious and try to ignore her from now on.

"Okay..," he smiles. "Well I tapped u because the line has moved."

I turn around and sure enough there is a humongous gap between me and the person in front of me.

I turn around and awkwardly smile my apology; my cheeks a definite red and I turn back around and walk to fill the gap.

"You're visiting?"

I turn back around cautiously to the hot guy and when I notice he's talking to me I nod.

"Obvious?" I smile slightly as a smile spreads across his flawless face.

He uses his thumb and pointer finger to sign 'a little bit' and his eyes squint slightly and I laugh a little.

"Great. I'm obviously foreign." He laughs. "So much for trying to blend in."

His laughter slows and he looks down at me. "Why blend in when your meant to stand out."

Profound? Indeed.

Confused? Definitely.

I feel my eyebrows pull in as I take a step up in line , making sure what happens earlier doesn't happen again.

"What do you mean?" I finally ask him wondering how he could say that to me not even knowing me.

He shrugs and simply says, "Blending is boring. It's for the scared. Standing out is exciting and for the strong." He looks me up an down which makes me temporarily feel on fire and when his eyes set on mine again he continues, " An you don't seem like the weak type. I don't think you we're made to blend." I look away from his beautiful eyes trying to process what he's just said...

"NEXT!!!" The lady yells from behind the counter.

It takes the hot mystery stranger guy behind me to bring me out of my thoughts and realize she's talking to me.

"Your up." He slightly nudges me from behind and I quickly snap out of it and go up to the counter. I order my latte and coffee cake and wait for my order to be done.

I look at the guy that was behind me with the perfect eyes and perfect lips and perfect...well the perfect guy..and think about what he said. It'd make sense that I'm not meant to blend in. In school I try hard to blend , be invisible but it's like I have a big red sign over my head and a target on my back that says "COME MESS WITH ME IM JUST BETH BUT IM WAY MORE FUN TO MESS WITH THAN OTHER PEOPLE" I roll my eyes at my own thoughts and shake my head looking down temporarily. I look back at the guy whose now leaning his elbows on the counter.

He's really handsome. Very charming, slightly mysterious. Taller than me. He challenges my thinking, and normally I don't pay much attention to guys but his presence is one that kinda demands attention..that's attractive to me..

Like he can hear my thoughts I watch him fight a smile away before the smile wins and takes over his face. He looks down at the counter top.

'Too bad he's way out of your league.' My subconscious throws in to my thoughts and I automatically see his smile falter. I shrug at the coincidence as the Starbucks worker being my order to me and I thanks her with a smile. And turn to leave out; back into the Tulsa air before I'm stopped by someone calling my name...

"Beth! Wait up." I turn around holding the door open with my back and an abnormally beautiful couple walks in and smiles at me for holding the door for them.

I look back into the store and see Perfect Guy speed walking to me.

"Yeah?" ...wait how's he know my name?

I go threw our conversation in my head. I never told him what my name was.

"It's on your cup." I look at my cup and sure enough 'BETH' is written in black sharpie .

I smile before I realize that I hadn't asked my question out loud. I looked at him and he had a slight panic look on his face. He spoke before I could though.

"Are you doing anything today? Since your visiting I know you probably don't know the town."

"I don't know actually.. I was thinking if going to the book signing at Barnes&Nobles." he looks surprised.

"Ur into L.J.?"

I raise my eyebrow and walk down the strip, him right by my side.

"You two are on first initial bases?"

He laughs and shrugs.

"We go way back."

I look at the Perfect Guy next to me an admit his comment only makes me more intrigued by him.


What? "Huh?" That was random.

He laughs, brightening up his recently furrowed face.

"My name is Ashton." He puts out his hand to me. "Ashton Irwin"

I shake his hand. "Nice to meet you Ashton Irwin. I'm Beth." I say simply which causes a chuckle out if him as he follows me into the bookstore.


I'm sooooo digging this story line!!!!

I'm hoping you all like it!!!

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