
117 15 0

Sent Febuary 6th, 11:37 PM
"Sorry about the last voicemail. Mulan found me and.. Well, I dropped my phone in one of the toilets. My dad just got me a new one."

No noise was heard for awhile. Suddenly, the girl bursted into tears.

"I miss you. And Anna. I just.. I can't live without you!" She ended the voicemail.

I felt a tear on my own cheek.


I came onto wattpad to see this book has almost 1.k views and 90 votes. Thank you all so much! I never expected this to get so many views! I'm grateful for every vote you leave, and it makes my day much brighter.

Thank you, once again!


The voicemails she left. (SAD JELSA)((SHUT DOWN))Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat