Sent March 6th, 1:30 PM

"H-hey. I went to--" She paused.

"Your parents invited me over for tea. I've always liked them."

The girl took a shaky breath.

"They miss you. A lot. I do too." She huffed, but it wasn't a angry or annoyed huff, it was a sad one.

"I know it's silly, but.. Oh never mind.." It stayed quiet for a few seconds then ended.

First chapter up in awhile!
I know, I've been gone for a long time, but, I'm back!

I'll be updating in 2-3 days. Bai! (This is a repost 'cuz the order was messed up.)

~ fancy

The voicemails she left. (SAD JELSA)((SHUT DOWN))Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat