Kovus POV
"Kovus?" my father says. "Is- is it really you?" Since I regained my memories I see him differently. Before I saw him as the evil monster who wanted to destroy me and everyone else. Now I see him as a kind and caring father who wouldn't hurt anyone.
"Yes. It's me."
"Oh my god." He rushes over to me and wraps his arms around me. Last year I wouldn't have thought for a second that Voldemort would smile at me, net alone hug me. But here we are, and I'm hugging back. "Where have you been, Ko? Why did you leave?"
"Dumbledore took me. He made me think I was someone else. But I'm back now." My dad pulls away.
"Who were you before?"
"I-I was Harry. Harry Potter."
"Oh my god. I hurt you. I tried to kill you!" He turns away. "Oh god. Ko- I..."
"It's okay, Dad. You didn't know. Neither did I."
"But even so... I can't believe Dumbledore made me almost kill my own son!"
"Really, it's okay. Everyone treated me differently. Laure despised me. Draco even bullied me. But..."
"My god," a small voice says from behind me. "I did, didn't I? Ko, I..."
"It's okay, Dray, really." I go over to him, wrapping my arms around him. "It's okay." It's only when my eyelids begin to droop do I realise I'm tiered.
"You must be exhausted, Ko. Come on, let's go to bed." I nod at my mate's words. I look at my father and he smiles at me.
"Go. We can talk in the morning." I give him a smile of gratitude and make my way upstairs, Draco helping me.
"Where am I going to sleep?" I ask.
"With me, silly." I smile.
"Okay." He helps me into a queen sized double bed and snuggles down next to me.
"Hey you remember Sophie and Jess right?"
"Of course!" Sophie is the daughter if Barty Crouch Jr. When Barty was thrown in Azkaban, Bella and Laure kind of adopted her. Jess is the daughter if Sirius Black. He accidentally got a girl pregnant when he was twenty something, then the girl got ran over and he raised Jess. After he realised Remus was his soulmate, they continued raising her together. Thinking of him makes me sad. Even if he isn't really my godfather, I still felt a connection to him and to know he is actually on Dumbledore's side makes me ache.
"Well they should be coming here tomorrow with Remus and Sirius."
"But- but Remus and Sirius are on Dumbledore's side! They helped make me think I was Harry!"
"They're not working for him, Ko, don't worry. They pretend they are, but really they're spies for us." I grin, closing my eyes and nuzzling into Draco's chest.
Just before I'm about to fall asleep, I here a faint whisper.
"Please don't be a dream."

When my mate was taken (drarry)
FanfictionDraco Malfoy is lucky. He met his mate when he was two. His name was Kovus Riddle, and he was totally in love with him for two years. Except Draco didn't realise that until Kovus went missing. Now Draco's fifteen, in desperate need of his mate. Wil...