A/N hey, so chapter nineteen is in progress but I thought I'd do this because I thought I passed through the time whilst Ko was missing very quickly and I wanted to do a bit from that time period. This chapter's dedicated to my friend (cousin? How are we related again? Second cousins I think. Anyway...) Daisy!! Thanks for making me get off my arse xx
Draco's POV. He is seven.
"Mum?" I whisper.
"Yes, sweetheart?" I open the door, climbing onto the sofa beside her.
"Do you think Kovus is ever going to come back?"
"Of course, love. I am positive that you will find him again."
"How can you be sure?"
"Because I know that he's still out there, and I know that you love him, and I know that people who love each other cannot stay apart for too long." I smile, albeit sadly.
"Thanks, mum."
"Any time, darling. Now, go and get some sleep."
I dream of Kovus. I dream that I go to Hogwarts and that when it is time for the sorting ceremony they call out his name and he goes up to the stage and puts on the sorting hat father told me about. I dream of his raven hair and eyes that I had always thought were purple, but that can't be right. No one has purple eyes. I dream that he is put in Slytherin, just like I will be, and he comes and sits next to me and when he realises it is me he hugs me tight and never lets go. The dream is so vivid when I wake up I think it was real, and I wonder why I am at home. And then I remember.
I don't get out of bed. I cry instead. I cry for Kovus, for my mate. I cry because even though Mum seemed so sure I don't know if he is even still alive. I cry because I might not ever find him. I cry because I want to with all my heart.
Nine years old
"Laure?" I ease open the door to my best friend's room. "Are you awake?"
"Yeah. You scared me- I thought you were Mum." I see her figure sit up. "Are you okay? It's one in the morning."
"I- I know. I had a nightmare." She leans over, turning her lamp on. I see she has a finger in a book- she must've been reading before I came in and turned the light off when she thought her mum was coming. She gestures for me to sit down next to her, so I do.
"What was it about?"
"Again?" I nod. "Do you want to talk about it?" I shake my head. "Okay." She hugs me tightly. "He'll come back, I promise."
"I hope you're right."
"Of course I'm right. Let's get some sleep." I stay in her room tonight. Laure is always good at making me feel better. She isn't the nicest of people, but she is always kind to me.
"Good night, Laure."
"Good night, Draco."
Eleven years old
I found the Room of Requirement fairly early on in my years at Hogwarts. When the door appeared I was astonished- as any eleven year old would be- and eased it open. Inside was a mirror. I didn't know what it did at first- it seemed like just an ordinary mirror- albeit extravagantly decorated- but ordinary nonetheless.

When my mate was taken (drarry)
FanfictionDraco Malfoy is lucky. He met his mate when he was two. His name was Kovus Riddle, and he was totally in love with him for two years. Except Draco didn't realise that until Kovus went missing. Now Draco's fifteen, in desperate need of his mate. Wil...