A/N trigger warning: the dart of this chapter may be triggering. Just a warning xx
Laure POV (ik again but otherwise the cliff hanger will continue hanging)
Whoever runs in doesn't seem to notice me. It's a girl, with Slytherin robes, long black hair and tears streaming from her mysterious emerald green eyes.
She runs to the mirror, a chocked sob escaping her mouth. I didn't see this girl at supper, and looking at how thin she is, I don't think I'll see her there often. She rolls up her sleeves, revealing arms tattered with scars, some old and fading, but some definitely new. She pulls what looks like a razor out of her back pocket.
"Worthless," I hear her mutter. As she puts the razor against her arm, I can't keep quiet.
"Please don't," I whisper. She turns towards me and starts. She quickly wipes away a tear.
"I'm sorry. I didn't see you there."
"That's okay. Just... Don't. Not again, please."
"I can't promise you that. What's your name?"
"Laure. But don't change the subject. Please, don't hurt yourself like that."
"Why? No body gave a shit until you. I'm obviously worthless."
"Don't say that." Whenever she criticises herself, there's an ache in my chest and I just want to comfort her.
"It's true."
"No. It's not. People care! There are people who would miss you."
"You don't know me. You don't even know my name."
"What is it?"
"I do know. Please, Abbi. Don't hurt yourself."
"I-I'll try. What are you doing here anyway? Shouldn't you be at dinner?"
"Oh." I had forgotten what I was going to do. "I was about to look for my mate."
"Well, good luck."
"You're not getting away that easily. If I leave now, you'll self harm. Come on, you're coming to the common room with me." Abbi sighs, but ends up following me out of the bathroom. It's strange- I don't feel the need to find whoever my mate is anymore. The desperate urge has just evaporated.
We enter the common room to see Draco and Kovus sitting in the same chair, Ko's head burried into his mate's chest.
"Hey Dray, hey Vik," I say.
"Hi Laure," Draco says. Kovus looks up, eyes slightly red, as if he'd been crying. "Oh, hi, Annie is it?"
"Abbi," she corrects.
"Ab, you're in our year right? Fifth."
"Uh yeah." She seems nervous, in front of people. I wonder why she wasn't the same in front of me.
"Cool, we'll be in the same dorm. Let's go." She shoots me a look of gratitude, glad to be away from strangers. I take her hand, not without noticing her slight blush, and lead her away.
It turns out our beds are next to each other. As soon as we're alone, her confidence returns and we sit I'm comfortable silence.
"So, have you found your mate yet?" I ask eventually.
"No. I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't even have one."
"I can't imagine anyone liking me enough to even be my friend, net alone enough to be my mate."
"I like you."
"No you don't. You just met me."
"So? I can still like you. Tell me something about yourself. Your parents." She shifts unconfortably, and I sense I'm on dangerous ground. "Okay, something easy. Favourite colour."
"Now see, that's impossible. See, black is a shade, and alas cannot be your favourite colour."
"Wow you're picky. Okay then, green." I nod. "Whats yours?"
"The exact colour of your eyes." She blushes ferociously, and after realising what I said, I blush as well. "It's a good colour..." I mumble.
After an awkward silence, three girls walk in- Sophie, Jess and another I don't know.
"Oh hi!" She says. "Welcome to Slytherin! I'm Pansy."
"I'm Laure."
"And what's your name?" Pansy says in a sickeningly sweet voice to Abbi.
"I've been here for four years," she mumbles.
"Sorry, what was that?" Abbi sighs.
"Nice to meet you both. So you know, it's in bed by nine, lights out by half past." What? Normally I stay up until half past three! "And look at that, it's nine twenty eight. Lights out, girls!" I can't quite tell if she's serious. She doesn't seem like one to follow rules, but also not like one to joke. I decide to do what she says, for tonight.
Kovus POV ~~ time skip back to supper
As I watch my previous friends talk and laugh without me, I feel my dart begin to wear away. I know, they're jerks, bullies, minions of the man who ruined my life, but they were still my best friends for four years. Surely that can't count for nothing. But they don't seem to notice I'm missing, until Ginny opens her mouth with a slightly worried expression. Then they jut start to bicker.
I suddenly feel someone's hands around my waist, and turn to see Draco. He takes my hand, pulling me up.
"Come on, baby," he whispers in my ear. "Let's go." I nod, and he leads me away.
At the common room, he sits in an arm chair and pulls me into his lap.
"Do you want to talk?"
"I just- I really thought they were my friends, you know? And all they do when they realise I'm missing is fight." Draco nods, tracing patterns down my back.
"I understand. I'm really sorry, Ko. You shouldn't have had to go through that. I should have been there for you before... I should have seen who you were... I should have..."
"Stop it, Dray. You couldn't have known. Stop beating yourself up about it. It hurts to see you sad." That's true. When I see my mate crying or in pain, or hear him criticising himself, there's this aching in my chest.
"I'm sorry baby. I just can't help it. It's hard to know you were there all along, and I did nothing, worse I hurt you! I made you hate me, I-"
"Draco, baby I never hated you! To tell the truth, even as Harry I thought you were too hot for your own good." He blushes and I smirk. He wipes a tear from my cheek and I realise I had been crying. I bury my head in his chest. "I love you," I whisper under my breathe, and he doesn't hear me. It's true though- I do.
That's when the door bursts open, and Laure walks in with another girl. Her name turns out to be Abbi, and she's in the same year as us. They go up to the girls' dorm, and Dray and I decide to do the same.
There are four beds, and five boys. Surprisingly enough, this works to my advantage, as I get to sleep in a bed with Draco.
I move closer to him. He wraps his arms around me and I tuck my head into his neck. I swear I hear him mumble; 'I love you,' but I know it must be just a trick of my imagination. Dray can't love me. Of course he missed me, and I am his mate, but he can't love me. It's impossible.
A/N this chapter was quite long! So, what do we think of Abbi? Yay or nay? And we have a supreme backstory for her, so get ready. Next chapter's in her POV!!
Gorgi xx

When my mate was taken (drarry)
FanfictionDraco Malfoy is lucky. He met his mate when he was two. His name was Kovus Riddle, and he was totally in love with him for two years. Except Draco didn't realise that until Kovus went missing. Now Draco's fifteen, in desperate need of his mate. Wil...