Chapter 10

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Mikey opened the door, balancing the comics on his hand, but that didn't stop him to greet his brother.

"Hey Donnie!" Mikey chirped, he placed his other hand that was no longer holding the door on top of the stack of comics. There were about twelve comic books, and cautiously he placed them on the nightstand near where his brother laid. Mikey's heart tightened at the sight of his older brother, but quickly dismissed the feeling as he sat on the bed.

The small lamp that Donnie had on the nightstand, illuminated on his face. The soft light glowed, making Donnie's facial features standout. His eyes round, harmless, as he looked up at Mikey, quietly.

Mikey tried making everything seem normal, even though Donnie still hadn't said a word, it didn't stop Mikey from helping his brother.

"So, Don, I got you the goodies! Some of the best issues of 'Charles Darwin's R-Evolution Revenge!' the original, none of that reboot stuff you don't like; my 'Zombies on Earth? What the Heck!' - Special Edition- if I may add, see what else... Raphie's 'Modern Ninja...'" He picked each individual comic up, showing the pictures, because he still wasn't sure if Donnie understood him. Mikey bounced from sudden excitement. "And oh! Leo's Space Heroes! But if anyone asks he totally let you borrow them!" He told him, giving him a wink.

Donatello's propped against the bed, situated with dozens of pillows behind his head. Curious eyes gazed at whichever direction Mike went off to. His fingers tapped the bandages in a random rhythm, reminding Mikey that his wounds were still healing.

The quiet turtle looked comfortable, and Mikey was grateful for that. Little things like his brother being happy, made Mike happy. Mike wouldn't want it any other way.

Mikey placed a hand against his, squeezing it affectionately, but Donnie didn't squeeze his back. "So, which one do you want to read?" Mike asked, his thumb now rubbing against his wrist in circles.

His brother unrhythmic breathing responded to him; silence. It was always silence, and Mikey should be used to it, it's been days. – But he wasn't. The hope still lingered and Mikey wouldn't give up on his brother so easily.

But Mike found his brother lack of voice was some sort of karma. After all, they had told him to shut up multiple times, or to dumb down the way he spoke, and well he did. And it was biting Mikey's and everyone's ass.

Donnie sometimes gave a whine when he was uncomfortable. At times, Mikey, would know exactly what was bugging his brother, and others, he was left scratching his head in dismay. Donnie was a tough turtle to understand when he did speak, and now… Mike didn't even want to think about it.

A whine, a loud one, brought Mikey away from his thoughts and back to reality. Donnie urgently reached the comics, but Mike beat him and grabbed the first one on top of the stack. It was Leo's. He gave it to Donnie who willingly took it.

Donnie looked up at him, eyes glowing with newly excitement. His hands hesitated with unsureness where to go. He brought the comic by his lips, opening his mouth to take a bite of it like it was a snack. – But Mikey snatched it from him, knowing Leo would kill him if Donnie had stained, or even ripped, his most prized possession.

"No, Dee! You're not supposed to eat the comic book!" Mikey told him, patting his hand as a way for Donnie to let his hands down, but he didn't. Don pouted, and reached for the comic again.

Mike faced him away, feeling like he was fighting with a child, and Mikey didn't want to think of his brother like a kid. Especially his brother who was always a super genius even before he can crawl.

And at first, blue and mahogany eyes locked in contact, Mikey saw the sadness in his brother's eyes and thought of an idea; "here, Buddy, I'll read it for you!" He opened the front page of the comic, preparing to read.

"Alright." Mikey sat on the chair and leaned back, clearing his throat with an obvious amused grin. Before he could read, Donnie fidgeted and wiggle like he was being tickled.

Mikey ignored him, Donnie was always energetic in the morning and moved all over the place. Mikey placed a hand on his chest, murmuring, "you're going to hurt yourself, buddy." Mikey didn't know if Donnie understood him, but Donnie gave a heave, before laying back on his shell, his head lolling to the right. Round eyes looked at him with pure innocence which made Mikey smile even wider.

He, then, turned back at the comic, and began reading; "'Captain Ryan abort mission!' Grundch cried out, as he saw many Trumplets invade their ship." Mikey glanced at his brother for a second before continuing. "'No, we must not back down! These Trumplets-'" Mikey sharply halted, closing the comic book when he saw the distressed-on Donnie's face.

"Dee?" Mikey sat up more, placing the comic book away as he rubbed his brother's scalp, avoiding the stitches. "What's wrong?" He spoke again, softly. Dodging the fact that Donnie couldn't speak at all.

The injured turtle opened his mouth, looking as if he was trying to speak. Sorrow written all over his face. "Donnie, come on bro, what's wrong?" Mikey asked in desperation, setting the comic book down and now standing up.

Donnie chipped his mouth shut, and turned his face the other way.

"Donnie, tell me bro." Mikey pleaded, his fingers pinched Don's cheeks to move his face to make eye contact.

Don slapped his hand away pretty hard, and Mikey cupped his hand in shock. Donnie never did anything like that, ever.

"Hey, you're not sup-" The youngest closed his mouth shut to see Donnie's eyes glazed with unsheathed tears. He couldn't scold his brother, and Mikey simply wished he knew what was bugging Donnie.

And before Mikey could say anything else, he heard a soft grumble in Donnie's tummy. Mikey had never been so thankful that it was something so small, Donnie nearly drove him nuts to only find out he was hungry.

"You want soup? It's yummy!" He rubbed his own belly, smiling widely. Donnie directed a look away from him, but his stomach answered Mikey. "I'll be gone for a few minutes, okay? Here, Teddy can keep you company!" Mike lounged to reach for the bear they had as babies, and grabbed Donnie's hand and placed the bear on his hand.

Donnie looked at him, and smiled. He showed all his teeth and gums in glory, and Mikey didn't hesitate to hug him. Don didn't hug him back, but continued to smile as he brought the bear closer to his chest.

Mike got off the bed, now happier than ever, because the past few days Donnie never smiled. His mouth was always agape, breathing with his mouth and after five days, he smiled. Mike opened the door, ready to heat up the soup, and now nearly jumping. He closed the door to give his brother some privacy, and went off to the kitchen.

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