Day 6 fat men

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I couldn't believe it. Issabella Bullet is my aunt?! As Issabella draged me up a rotten staircase, my heart began to beat faster. She opened a trap door, and pushed me through. I fell forward and my head it a counter.

Suddenly all the noise I had heard stopped

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Suddenly all the noise I had heard stopped. I realised that we where in a pub and that everyone in there was now staring at me, Issabella, and Jeremy, who was sitting behind the counter. The silence was broken by Jeremy's voice.
"Alright Ladies and Gentleman! I, we, need someone that can take me, Issabella, and..." Jeremy glanced over at Issabella. She nodded. "and Miranda here to "the gang"." he continued. The gang, I thought. I wonder who they are. I didn't have to wonder long, because a group of men and some woman came straight into the pub at that moment. A fat man at the front of the group began to talk.
"Yo' don't need to come to tha' gang, Mr. Jackson, 'cause tha' gang is comin' to ya!", he said. Jeremy looked up at the man. Then he whispered, in a high pitched voice; " hello..... Brother...."

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