{7} Vanilla & Arabella

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The man i took down, stared at me in shock from the comfort of the floor. The other 3 looked amazed yet also in shock.

"shit... Cole didn't fucken tell us u were some ex-cia chick! We came to ask you if you were lost.. we didn't mean to scare you. But shit... if you weren't fucking Cole's lady, i'd take you around the block.. if you know what i mean" The tallest one chuckled .

i stepped back and felt my face contort to realization and to disgust because of what he said.

I was so confused, i just broke out laughing and they did the same, after watching me like a crazy woman.

Except the man on the ground. He didn't look very happy.

He pushed himself back up, using the wall as a crutch to lean on. " oh yeah, why don't you guys just laugh! i totally don't have a dislocated shoulder and a bruised up ego." He said, although his eyes seemed to still be laughing along.

" this might not be the perfect time for pleasant intros but my name is Sam " the one with the sly look, perverted comments and corny pickup lines breathed. But he still stuck his hand out and i warily shook it.

"My name is Leo, but you probably don't care.. you already handed my ass to me on a golden platter" the man-Leo-grumbled, still on the floor

The other two men, both looking exactly alike, stuck out their hands " I'm tyler" the one a little taller and slightly more muscular said

" and im Jason. and we're twins" the slightly smaller brother said with a smile. " sorry if we scared you. but that was pretty funny how you handed Leo's ass to him..."

" you guys are never going to let that go, are you?" Leo breathed, looking defeated.

" but anyways" Sam began " are you lost? what were you looking for? maybe we can help you." Sam looked at me intently, waiting for me to say something.

" uh, yeah. i was looking for the training room. how did you guys ge-" i was interrupted by the slam of the front door and a very tired looking Cole

" MIAAA I'M HOME!!!!!!!!" his footsteps grew louder as they approached and when he turned the corner to us he smiled and then grinned at the sight of his friends and even started laughing at the sight of Leo.

" HAHAHA Leo! Tyler! Sam! Jason!! so good to see you guys! it's been too long!" he pulled his friends into a man hug and then approached me with a smirk. " so i see you've met the guys already.."

but his smirk quickly disappeared when he saw that i was.. well, not happy. " what THE FUCK COLE? i almost killed your friends that you just so happen to not tell me about! and then you come here, all fucking giddy and shit, leaving me with no clue what so ever about anything that goes on here. you can explain later"

i was fuming. i almost fucking killed his friends and almost died WHILE DOING SO and he comes in here all rainbows and unicorns. NOT HAPPENING.

" just take me to my room Cole. i want to be left alone" i huffed all my annoyance seeping through into my voice. " now."


He led me out through the hallway and through a series of twists and turns i won't be able to memorize even if i had a map and 320390840273 days to remember.

When the main lobby comes into view, i start quickening the pace, trying to leave all the guys as fast as i can.

i speed walk up the stairs and give a nod to thank them and sprint to my room. i needed time to cool off and process what just happened.

i strip all my clothes off, leaving the dramatic day with them, and climb into my en suite shower. This place is pretty loaded, but i'm not complaining.

i turn on the water and climb in. i slip a little but thankfully catch my balance " sugar nuggets, i could have died"

When i was younger, i made up a whole bunch of random words, just for the shits and giggles and every time i wanted to swear, i just said the words i made up.

i don't really swear but when i do... you probably want to cover your ears.

i reach over to the radio, built into the wall. it allows me to look up any song i want. so i choose my favorite.

Arctic Monkeys, Arabella

The music flows through me, straight into my soul, and i telepathically thank Cole for the sound system.

after listening to the song on loop for a bit i climb out of the shower, noticing i spent almost 2 hours in it. i was never really one for long showers, but i guess today i could make an acception.

i dry my hair and body, my mind still racing with today's events. Nothing THAT big happened, but even though i was trained for worse.... i HAS been a while.

i reach over to my dresser, pulling out my pijamas. i turn back to my bed, a single rose lays on top of my covers, with a tiny note that read

" Mia, i'm sorry. Please don't be mad at me any longer. But breakfast is at 8:30, there is a box under the bed with something special inside. Open it tomorrow when you're getting ready. I will pick you up at 8. Be ready,

Love, Cole."

even though it was really sweet of him to give me a rose and a card and a "box with something special inside" i was still a little mad.

But that melted away when i lay down on my bed and put my head to the pillow, inhaling my favorite fragrance.


And soon enough, i didn't notice that i had fallen asleep into a light dream that everything has a happily ever after.

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