{2} Letters And Mysteries

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I raced down the streets, my heart beating at its fastest. I had one goal in mind, and I intended to fulfill it.
I got to the forest and did exactly like the letter said.

"Enter 3, north for 5, east for 7, North for 5, and X marks the spot"

In the beginning I didn't really understand what the note meant. But then I realized that they're footsteps. Enter 3 steps and just follow the compass.

I followed the rest of the note and right In front of me was a big hill of freshly dug up dirt. My palms started to sweat as my mind raced through the possible things buried under the pile of dirt, in the middle of a creepy forest. Each thought darker than the last.

I kneel down and start scraping the dirt to the sides. My fingers hit a metal box of some sort and I pry it open. Inside was a single folded letter. I groan out loud.

Because I needed more things to worry about.

I unfold the letter and when I read what it said it knocked the wind right out of me.

It read "my lovely. I see you found my prize for you. Don't worry, there is more" I slumped down and that was the last thing I remembered before A sharp, horrible pain stuck through me and I plummeted into the darkness


He took my hand in his and knelt down on one knee, a smirk adorning his lips and mischief sparkling in his eyes.

My heart was going *thump thump thump* at about 100 miles per hour while I stared skeptically at him and his antics.

He brought his voice into a high enough volume for the others walking the pier to hear, but light enough to know that his words are only for me.

"Dear Mia Santaligo, I hope you really know that I love you with all my heart and would love to spend the rest of my life with you.."

When I wake up I almost wish I never did. My head was searing with pain and my feet and hands were bound behind my back as I sat in the most uncomfortable chair in history.

Why are all the interrogation chairs a pain in the ass to sit on? Literally.

I let out a little giggle from the stupid pun I made up. I instantly regretted even breathing when the door to the seemingly endless dark opens.

I flinch at the light before my eyes adjusted. The sudden shot of light made my headache come 3x stronger and my will to fight 3x less.

But I tried to calm down.. maybe then my headache would go away so I could focus on who might be standing there, in my only means of escape.

When the figure started moving closer, that's when a tsunami of emotions came colliding with my heart as I tried to inhale some air into my deflated lungs.


No. It's not her lover. Or maybe it is? But I don't think I'll do that......... Yet. Idk. Have fun with the cliffhanger ;))

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