Part II

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After the tournament ended, Esdeath took you to the Imperial Palace so you can meet her team, The Jaegers. You were zero percent sure of why she's taking you there, but you didn't like it one bit.

Soon, Esdeath took you to one of the palace's meeting rooms, being introduced to each and everyone one of her teammates.

Esdeath: Everyone, I'd like you to meet (M/n), my one true love.

Wave: *Notices your expression* What's wrong?

You: Oh, nothing. Just for the fact that I'm tied up for no good reason.

Esdeath: I tied you up so you won't escape.

You: *You look at her in confusion* Huh? Why would I escape?

Esdeath: You mean you don't want to escape?

You: No.

Esdeath: Then why didn't you say so.

*Esdeath draws out her sword and cuts the ropes that were restraining you*

You: *You stand up and rub your wrists* That's better.

Seryu: So. *You look at her* Your shield is an Imperial Arms?

You: That's right.

Wave: How did you get your hands on it?

You: My dad gave it to me after he decided to retire from the army. As a matter of fact, this originally belonged to my great grandfather, who used to serve the First Emperor.

Run: Wow.

Bols: Impressive.

Esdeath(In head): Not only is he a great fighter, he also comes from a family that must've been famous. *Smiles* I guess that's one of the reasons why I fell for him.
In the Imperial Courtyard....

Esdeath decided to have everyone train for the rest of the day, so you all headed for the Imperial Courtyard to practice. When you looked at the others, you were amazed at what their weapons are and how they used them in combat. After watching them for a bit, you decided to do some training yourself.

While you were practicing your moves, Seryu saw you training and was amazed at how skillful you are. It didn't take long for the others to notice your skills in fighting too and they were amazed as well.

Esdeath x Male Reader - The Right PathWhere stories live. Discover now