Part VII(Final)

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Imperial Capital

Revolution Day

Hours later....

Man: Is it safe to come out now?

You: Don't know, I'll go check. Stay here.

Man: Right.

You then opened the trapdoor and what you saw next put a look of horror on your face. Every building within the area was completely obliterated and all that's left is debris.

After looking at this sight for a few seconds, you stepped outside and looked around before letting everyone in the basement out so they can head somewhere safe.

You: *You look at a man* Get these people somewhere safe. Don't stop.

Man: *Nods to your order* Will do. *Follows other people*

Elderly Woman: *Walks up to you and you notice her* Thank you young man, we are in your debt.

You: No problem madame. *Elderly woman leaves*

Then, out of nowhere, the ground shook once more and when you looked to your left, you saw a huge ice wall form around what appears to be a destroyed Primus Imperator!!

Upon seeing this, you knew that Esdeath was there, so you began to make your way towards the massive cold wall to investigate what's going on there.

When you arrived there, you saw Najenda standing in front of the wall as the sounds of swords clashing can be heard in the center of the ice structure.

You: Najenda!! *She looks at you and you run up to her* What's going on?

Najenda: It's Esdeath and Akame, their fighting each other in there.

You: Where's Tatsumi and Leone?

Najenda: I don't know.

The ground shook again as Akame continues to fight Esdeath. Attack after attack, the two fierce sword users gave it their all to ensure they don't fall. You knew that you had to stop before it gets worse, so you climbed up the ice wall and land at the other side.

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