Part III

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The next day, you and the rest of the Jaegers were summoned by the Emperor himself to discuss of what transpired last night. As for you, no one still hasn't found out about what Senator Yedeino told you before he died.

Soon, you and the your friends arrived at the throne room as ordered.

*All of you enter the room and bow before his majesty*

The Emperor: Rise. *All of you do what he commands*

Prime Minister Honest: So General Esdeath, I tell that your mission was successful?

Esdeath: *Look of disappointment appears on her face* I'm afraid not sir.  Senator Yedeino is dead.

Prime Minister: Night Raid?

Esdeath: Yes. We tried our best to protect the senator, but they manage to complete kill him regardless.

The Emperor: *Notices you* I've never seen you before, are you a new member of the team?

You: Y-Yes your majesty.

The Emperor: What is your name?

You: (First Name) (Last Name).

Prime Minister Honest: From what I can remember from your report Esdeath, he was the one that accompanied Senator Yedeino prior to his death right?

Esdeath: Yes, that is correct.

You: I'm sorry for messing up guys. *You get their attention* If I just kept my guard up, Senator Yedeino would've been alive right now.

Seryu: It's okay (M/n), we know you tried your best.

Wave: Besides, even if he was alive, Night Raid would still be after him.

Prime Minister Honest: *Walks up to you and places his hand on your shoulder* You've tried your best and that's what matters the most. One day, we will end Night Raid's reign of terror once and for all. *Looks at you all* That'll be all for now, you may return to your quarters.

After hearing this, you all left the room and awaited further instructions. But before you left, grabbed onto your shoulder and caught your attention to say something before you go.

Prime Minister Honest: Be careful out there son.

You: Thank you for the concern sir. *You leave the room and follow your friends*
A few minutes later....

Esdeath x Male Reader - The Right PathWhere stories live. Discover now