The Car..

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          You know that moment, like right before you do something stupid? You hear a voice saying "Stop! Don't go in there, please don't do this!" You get that gut feeling, where you just know that something will go wrong... You need to listen to that voice, because sometimes, that same old voice is completely right...

"Emelia! What are you doing? We have to get out of here, the cops should be coming soon, and you can't get in trouble! Let's go!"

Oh this other voice is my best friend Tyler, he seems to think I'm some sort of lost puppy that he can just drag anywhere, like for instance the most insane party ,with the most obvious reasons to be shut down.

"Okay let's get out of here Ty, I'll drive."

I put the key in the ignition, and I slowly pull out of a driveway I should've never been in.

"Em, what's got you so distracted? Do you want me to-"

"No freaking way, you're high off your ass Ty, why would I let you drive?"
How is he even awake right now? He usually passes out as soon as he gets in, I like him better when he's high and comatose, whenever he's awake he wants-

"Emeliaaaa, care to get some food? Like a milkshake or nachos or mozzarella sticks? Please Em, oh I've got it, HALF PRICED APPS!!!"

Oh my goodness, this boy is completely neurotic, but I can't let him come home like this, he'll eat me out of house and home. He is so owes me for this.

"Okay Tyler, half priced apps it is"

"Yes! "

"But do not go overboard, since I'm probably paying."

"Em, what are you saving for? Since when have you become such a tight wad with money?"

"Whoa, a tight wad? Interesting coming from the boy who wants half priced apps and didn't bring his wallet."

"Okay! I'll shut up, but seriously why are you saving up?"

I hate when he tries to get me to open up, it's like he cares or something. I mean what if he does actually care about how I feel? I mean he couldn't, even if he did, I wouldn't let him in.

"I just want to get out of here Ty, and go far away, perhaps never come back..."

"Well tell me when you leave, I'll come with you"

Um what in the world did he just say to me? Not in a million bajillion years my friend, I need to leave this town behind, and everyone in it. Including him, he'll only be trouble with that 1000-watt smile and those innocent eyes, I'll have to protect him more than myself, and that means more work for me. But he is my best friend... so maybe I can consider it.

"Would you actually come with me?"

"I'd go anywhere with you Emmy"

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