The Breakdown

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         And that's when my car decided to stop. I look at Tyler's confused face because I probably mirror it and I laugh, I can't hold it in anymore.

"Oh my, you've lost it. Em? Emmy? EMELIA!!"

"Yes, I'm sorry I just, this is completely ironic because I was just about to stop the car and it stops on its own, and now..."

"Wait, are you telling what I think you're telling me?"

"It's okay Ty, I've just run out of gas, there should be a station not too far from here"

"Emelia, do you know where we are? "

"Yes I used the shortcut from Dan's so we could get to Applebee's quicker"

"Whew, thank God, because if we were lost, I would've..."

"You would've what? What happened to "I'd go anywhere with you Em"?"

"I still would, I just panicked a little I'm sorry."

Yup, he's definitely not coming, especially if he's going to underestimate my sense of direction. I mean, I know where we are, we are on Catalina Drive... I think?

"Okay so let's start walking towards the station now..."

"Which way is it? "

Truthfully I have no clue where we are, but I will never admit that because he will clearly blow a gasket if I do.

"Um, it's left"

"Are you sure? You sound a bit unsure, nervous even"

What is he going on about? Going left isn't a crazy idea, I mean if it doesn't work we just turn around and go...

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