Lost in translation...

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"We're lost aren't we?"


"Maybe??!! Emelia why didn't you tell me sooner? And why didn't we just use the GPS?"

Oh crap, GPS. How could I forget, all iPhones have that stupid maps and navigation app. I might actually bring him with me, especially if I can't remember how to use a simple GPS.

"Wow Ty, I completely forgot-"

"I can't let you leave, well not without me, you can't run away all by yourself Em. You clearly won't be safe on your own."

"Okay you can come, but one last thing..."

"What is it now Emelia?"

"I have gas in my trunk "



"Okay let's go, I need some food in my system, you are too much to handle."

He starts walking ahead of me, he probably thinks I'm hopeless and that I need some guardian. Heck, he probably thinks I don't have a plan, or a place to go.

"I have a plan Tyler, I'm not just leaving without a thought or care, you know?"

"Um yes you are, you didn't think this through at all. Because the Emelia I knew would've told her best friend that she was leaving him behind."

"I'm really sorry Ty, I was going to tell you, I swear, I just couldn't find the words to tell you or the right time."

"It doesn't matter Em, I'm coming with you and there is nothing you can do about it, so tell me about this so called plan"

Oh man, I did not think this through at all. He was supposed to believe me and leave it alone. Well I can just make something up and then alter it when we leave.

"England is the plan, London specifically is the place."

"Why the UK? Are you searching for the 1D boys? Want to meet the queen? Take up the accent? Get a pint with the boys?"

"Um, what exactly was that Ty? I just want to get out of this crummy old town." I need to get away from my uncle, I need to find myself an actual home. London seems like a decent place, I'll buy the ticket with the money I've saved up and then I will look for a flat or whatever they call the apartments over there.

"Emelia? Why do you keep zoning out? This is important- wait, where is the car?"

"Right there Tyler."

"Everything looks black to me, why are there no street lights?"

Maybe it's due to the fact that we are on a dirt road, now who's the idiot?

"I can name two reasons why it's still you"

Oops looks like I said that aloud. Whatever, it wasn't that mean. I'm just glad we've reached the car. I pop the trunk and find four containers of gasoline. One can should get us to Applebee's. I hope Ty passes out so I can just take a detour to the house.

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