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(*Natsu's POV*)

As I took a deep breath, I was getting ready for tonight. Tonight I'm gonna ask Luce to marry me. Even tho it might be too soon, I wanna marry her, and maybe have about 33 babies. Stripper and Sting got me ready for tonight and chose out my clothes.

"Alright, I think you look fine pyro" stripper aka Gray said. Sting nodded in agreement and I setted up everything for later. I got my normal clothes on and went over to Luce's place.

"Hey Luce-" I waved as I came in through the window, but at that moment, I was blushing and drooling. She was half naked only with her bra on and a skirt.


"Why change when you look sexy like this?" I said smirking. I walked up to her and held her waist from behind. I saw her blushing and I chuckled.

"B-but I'm changing p-pervert!"

"Fine wear something nice ok, I'm taking you out to dinner tonight." She blushed and agreed.

~.~.~.~.~ .~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.
Time skip: Later that night

(*Lucy's POV*)

I was confused a little. I mean sure we've went on dates before, but nothing fancy. I wore my bikini and sat down waiting for him.

I'm kidding, I wore my long pink dress with matching heels and accessories. I put on a tint of make up on and as I finished, I heard the window open.

"Don't you ever use the door?" I said giggling as I looked at Natsu.

"But its easier to use the window, now let's go!" he was about to take me out the window until I stopped him.

"We're taking the door" I said dragging him out the door.

(*Natsu's POV*)

Jeez it would've been easier if we used the window. I took her hand and took her to strippers car. God I hope I don't throw up. She opened the door and was surprised to see him.

"What are you doing here Gray?"

"Well he can't drive without his motion sickness pills, so I decided I would drive you guys to your destination." I saw him looking at her top to bottom and I growled a bit.

"Watch where your looking at ice prick" I said going into the car with Lucy. He laughed and started the car.


I'm finally off that thing!!! This suit is totally not my style but I guess I gotta look fancy. After we had dinner, I got up from my seat and was nervous.

(*Lucy's POV*)

I looked at Natsu as he stood up and took my hand. I stood up with him and was confused as I look at him. All of a sudden Sting, Gray, and the rest of our friends and family appeared and everything changed in the restaurant. The lights shone on us and the music changed into a romantic one and Natsu got on one knee with a small box on his hand. I covered my mouth and teared up a little. He opened the box and it had a ring with a flame colored jewel on it.

"Luce, will you marry me?" a few tears fell and I nodded.

"Y-yes" he smiled and stood up then put the ring on my finger and leaned in to kiss me. I kissed back and everyone started cheering at whistling while I was very happy.

(*Natsu's POV*)

Yes! She said yes!

Next Chapter: I love you

(*Natsu's POV*)

Today's the day me and Lucy are getting married. And the amazing part is tomorrow's also her birthday. So I gotta set up everything perfectly and make sure it the best wedding/birthday.

"I love you Natsu"

"But I'm getting married to Lucy today and I love her"

"So, you can just dump her and cancel the wedding and be with me instead"



I'm sorry I took so long to update. School is out and I'm on break so I'll update much faster.Also, what do you think Natsu's answer is going to be. See you next chapter

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