I Love You (finale)

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(*Natsu's POV*)

Today's the day me and Lucy are getting married. And the amazing part is tomorrow's also her birthday. So I gotta set up everything perfectly and make sure it the best wedding/birthday.

"I love you Natsu" she said when I arrived at a café

"But I'm getting married to Lucy today and I love her"

"So, you can just dump her and cancel the wedding and be with me instead"

"I'm sorry Juvia but I deeply love Lucy and today's her birthday and our wedding day"

"Juvia understands, Juvia will go back to Gray-sama" I don't know why but for some reason I feel like she did that to test me or something. Oh well I better hurry before I'm late.

Time skip

As soon as I arrived, I got dragged into a room and saw Gray and the other guys in the room.

"What took you so long flame brain"

"Shut it ice brain" they got me into a tuxedo. I looked in the mirror and I looked hot, like always~. I stood up in front of everyone, waiting for my lovely bride to come out.

(*Lucy's POV*)

I was finally done with everything. I wore a long white wedding dress and the girls helped me out with the rest. I was so nervous!!

"Lu-chan you look so beautiful" Levy commented in awe as the rest agreed. I heard the bells ring which meant I had to get out.

"Ready?" My dad said as I nodded and held onto his arm. The doors opened. This is it, I'm actually getting married. To Natsu Dragneel. We walked in and everyone looked my way as I blushed and looked ahead seeing Natsu in his tuxedo.

(*Natsu's POV*)

She looks so....so....gorgeous. She walked down towards me as her dad let her go and sat back down in his seat. Lucy and I stared at each other as I grinned.

"You should know what's going to happen after all this is done~" I whispered in her ear making her blush.

After the vows

"You may now kiss he bride" as soon as the priest said that I leaned in and kissed her passionately , enjoying every part of it. We parted and everyone started cheering loudly as we walked down the aisle and towards a limousine. Thank god I took my pills.

"I love you Luce" I said when we got into the limousine and gave her another kiss.

(*Lucy's POV*)

"I love you too" I say and smile as our new life begins as husband and wife.

Hope you guys enjoyed the story and if you didn't XD sorry that it was pretty lame. Well a lot people might know based in this story, I really have nothing against Lisanna . I mean I ship Nalu but it's clear Lisanna won't interrupt the ship. That's just my opinion. Tho the nicknames are hilarious tbh. Anyways would you guys want the main ship to be for my next story? Sorry for any spelling errors






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