Chapter 9

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Draco apparated in the living room, where Harry was sitting on the sofa, were Harry was reading. Draco settled down next to his husband, and nestled into his arms. Harry's arm wrapped protectively around Draco's waist, almost as though he was keeping away from the troubles of the world. Draco took this opportunity to nuzzle into the crook of Harry's neck.

Draco wasn't ready to tell Harry that he wanted kids. After all, it had come as a bit of a shock to him too. He didn't want to freak Harry out, and wasn't sure he wanted to take the risk with his answer.

They sat on the sofa, cuddling and recovering from their days at work for quite some time. Draco was tracing circles on Harry's hand and Harry was stroking Draco's cheek.

Draco loved Harry so much, and the thought of having kids with him filled his heart with joy. But he didn't want to force anything on Harry, and scare him away.

Draco got up from the warmth of Harry and the sofa. Harry tried to keep him on the sofa, but Draco knew that dinner was very important. He walked over to the kitchen and started to make salad. For dinner, they had salad and pulled pork, one of Harry's favourites.

They ate, Harry's face being stuffed so quickly that Draco needn't ask him whether he liked it. Draco chuckled, watching Harry's eyes light up with pleasure and delight.

"How was the lesson?" Draco asked, as a childish grin spread across Harry's face.

He swallowed before answering, his face alight with enthusiasm.

"It was really good, honey. I asked them about simple defensive spells, and then about attacking spells. We did some practical stuff, which it looked like they enjoyed. I found it fun, and I think they did too."

Harry grinned again, and Draco returned it. They carried on talking for a few more minutes, about work.

Draco cleared away the table, and charmed the scrubber to wash up. Harry had snuck up behind him and started kissing his ear. Draco lent back into Harry and kissed Harry softly. They kissed for a few minutes, before Draco had to pull away, and walked into the study.

Draco sat down, and sorted through some paperwork for work, owlet forms. He looked through the forms for next week, making sure everything was in order.

After several hours of tireless sorting, Draco stopped. He was exhausted, weighed down by the secret he was keeping from Harry, as well as the sheer workload he had.

As Draco crept upstairs, he heard Harry sighing from the living room. He was organising his department, and checking over the Auror's monthly evaluations. Draco knew that Harry worked far too hard, taking on a lot of work for the department.

Draco walked into their bedroom, and flopped down on the bed. He stripped off his clothes and got in his blue pyjamas.

It was only once he had got into bed and settled, that he realised he was wearing Harry's pyjama top, a green one. He had wondered why it felt so tight.

He pulled the shirt over his head, but it got stuck. Harry was a fair few inches smaller than Draco and it showed.

He felt a pair of hands grip the fabric and pull it off his head.

"There you go honey." Harry said, hugging his shirtless husband, and kissing his chest once.

Draco pulled on his own pyjama top, as Harry put on his own.

"It smells like you, you know."Harry said, smelling the shirt, "I like it."

Draco laughed as Harry settled his head on Draco's chest. They lay there for ages, their breathing in time.

"Harry." Draco said, plucking up his courage.

"Yeah." said Harry.

"You I was just thinking. Well, I saw a fantastic owlet today. But there was one thing. It couldn't go anywhere without its mother. She was watching over him the whole time. And I realised that I wanted to protect a child like that. And that I would love to have a child with you."

Harry sniffled slightly, desperately trying to cover up the noise. A single tear fell from Harry's face onto Draco's top. It formed a perfect circle.

"Yeah, I'd like that too." Harry said, his voice thick.

Draco smiled and kissed his husband's forehead.

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