Chapter 30

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Draco woke on the morning of December 25th to find his husband jumping up and down on the bed next to him. Harry had more energy and excitement coursing through his veins than he had had in months.

"Draco! Draco, get up! It's Christmas!" He squealed, as exhilarated as any child would be.

Draco heaved himself out of bed- still tired from the previous night- and walked down the stairs after his husband. Harry was already sitting cross-legged by the large tree in the living room.

Draco came over, and they began to open their presents.

Harry was given Honeydukes chocolate, a buzzer so that it would alert Draco whenever he needed him (Harry's reaction to this was, "In what sense?" complimented with a wink), a 'Simple Witches Guide to Cooking, For the Less Intelligent', and much much more. 

Draco was given a book 'Owlet Breeds and Where to Find Them', a photo frame with Draco, Harry, Ron and Hermione at their wedding, a stone that has D+H engraved on it, and a lot more.

They got dressed after having breakfast and disapparated. They landed outside Andromeda's house. Draco knocked on the door, and Andromeda answered.

"Hello, Teddy is nearly ready. Please come in."

No sooner had they entered the house, Teddy ran to them and hugged them tightly.

"Hi Draco, hi Harry." Then the small boy spotted the bag of presents, "Can I open them? Please?"

Draco and Harry nodded and it was at least another ten minutes before they got out of the house. They waved Andromeda off and disapparated, Draco clutching to Harry and Teddy who were either side of him.

They landed in the yard of the Burrow and knocked on the door.

"Oh Harry dear, Draco, Teddy, do come in!" Mrs Weasley bustled them inside the warm house, "It's a shame that Bill and Percy couldn't come, Bill is in France with Fleur's family and Percy is tied up with work in America. Oh well."

They went in, to see Charlie, George, Angelina, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Mr Weasley all seated in the living room or helping Mrs Weasley with Christmas lunch.

Teddy launched himself at Hermione, his hair changing to match her bushy, brunette locks.

"Hermione- why have you got so fat? Have you eaten all of the food?"

Hermione giggled at the Teddy's remarks, for he did not know that she was pregnant- Harry and Draco had told the child nothing. Well, now it was time for him to find out.

"You see Teddy," started Draco, "Hermione has got a baby growing inside her tummy. But it's not her baby, it's mine and Harry's. She is just keeping it safe for us, until it's ready to be born, because we can't keep it safe. So in two months, we will be parents."

Everyone was watching Teddy for his reaction, with bated breath.

"Well, that's a good thing that you are going to have a baby. Someone for me to play with. And it's also good because now we know that Hermione isn't fat, just keeping a baby safe for Harry and Draco."

The sighs of relief filled the air, and everyone began to exchange gifts.

After that, the all squeezed round a table that had been placed in the living room, and tucked into the hearty meal that Mrs Weasley had been busy preparing. There was succulent turkey, moist stuffing, crispy potatoes, thick gravy and so much more. Draco had always enjoyed going to the Weasley's for Christmas, but the food was always his favourite part.

The meal was filled with hearty laughter and plenty of jokes that the magical crackers tons once they had been pulled open. It was a very pleasant affair.

After second helpings of Christmas pudding and custard, the table was whisked away and everyone settled down to talk.

By the end of the evening, when considerable amounts of alcohol had been consumed and the light had faded, Draco and Harry supported a sleeping Teddy in their arms as they disapparated back to 12 Grimmauld Place.

It had been a good Christmas.

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