Wolf pack

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The sun was warm on Death's face as she began to wake up. When she was fully awake, she realized the log had moved with it her. She was not at the little opening. In fact, she was in a very big opening. When she sniffed her surroundings, she found she was in a wolf pack's den area and the wolf pack had moved the log here for a reason.

"But what was their reason? Was it because of me? If so why?"

Death looked around to see and smell how recent the pack been here.

Unfortunately the scent was a few hours old, meant they would be back at any time. Another problem was that she was injured and could not run, could hardly stand or walk without pain, was weak too and had no idea where she was. She was stuck and she would have to stay and wait. About an hour later, Death heard and smelled the wolf pack coming. She couldn't do anything but hide in the hollow log. Oh how she wished she could defend herself, run like the wind and be free as the wind again.

A few minutes later three wolfs came into view.

"Well, well, well, it's awake," said the dark grey wolf with black tips on his tail and paws.

"What is it doing in our territory? " said the brown wolf with grey tips on his tail and paws.

"Oh be quite how would it know about our territory, since it has been unconscious for months!" said the pale white wolf with a pale tan tip on her paw and tail.

"You've been watching it haven't you!" said the brown wolf angrily.

"Yes, I have," said the white wolf.

"That's it. You're dead!" The brown wolf yelled as he was getting ready to tackle the white wolf.

"Stop it! She is the elder's granddaughter. She would have reasons for not telling."said the grey wolf as he growled

"Right sorry!"said the brown wolf with shame in his eyes.

"Now, since you've watched it, what should we do?"said the black wolf as he looked ready to do what needed to be done.

"Well, let's take it to the elders first to see what they say. But first, let's find a way to get it there." the white wolf said

"Just let it walk back."said the brown wolf

"It's injured, you dummy, plus you just want to hurt it." White wolf glares

"You know what, I'm going to carry it." the white wolf said as she goes to Death.

Normally Death would have left by now but she was injured. Death let the white wolf pick her up and put her on her back and she gave no struggle or trouble the whole time, it took them to reach the elder's den.


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