Wounded in Battle

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Death looked at them and slowly walked over to them. She got to them and lied down on her right side, closing her eyes afterwards.

"Quick she's losing blood and the poison is probably making its way to the heart!!" cried Mist

"What do we do Mist!!" exclaimed Sand

"Sand go get two jugs of water! Raven get me twenty of each herb for healing poison and treating wounds. If you don't know where or what they are, ask one of the herb wolves and say its under my order!" Mist ordered

"Got it!!" said Sand and Raven

Once they ran to get what they were told to get, Mist looked down at Death

"Come on Death. You can make it. You got to." Mist whispered

A few minutes later Raven and Sand came pulling a cart.

"We got what you need." said Raven blood after spitting out his cart handle.

"Good now. Unload the stuff and then help me get Death on the cart." ordered Mist

The two did what they were told and Death was placed on the cart instead of the blood covered dirt.

"Alright lets see. Which herb.........." mumbled Mist getting started

Grabbing a light pink flower off its stem and putting it in a bowl she then poured some water on the flower. She looked at the rest of the herbs and other supplies. After looking over the supplies, she slowly poured the flower water on Death's wounds, removing the dried blood, dirt and any infections. Next she took the stem of a bright red flower and ripped it up and sprinkled it on the wound. Sand and Raven watched as Mist worked on the now clean wound. Mist created a greenish clear paste and smeared it all over Death's wound, making sure it was all covered by the paste. Within seconds purplish green goo came out of the wound till the paste was the purplish green color. She then put the petals of the bright red flower on the paste. A minute later Mist removed the paste leaving the wound clean and ready to heal. Mist made another paste with a peach color and put it on the wound. After a few minutes the paste was dried causing it to harden.

"She is stable and can be moved without the poison in her system. Now all she needs is to rest at this point."

"OK let's put everything back on the cart. Mist you get on the cart also, while Sand and I pull it." said Raven

Sand and Mist nodded. Soon everything was back on the cart along with Mist tending to Death. Sand and Raven go to the front of the cart, grab the cart handles with their teeth and back to the den they went.

~ 3 Months later~

"How is she Mist?" asked Raven blood

"The same as shes been for 3 months Raven." answered Mist

Death went into a coma after Mist healed her wounds. While she slept things weren't the best. Sand threw himself into training and all his other jobs in the pack. Raven visits Death twice a day, one in the morning and one at night. He also threw himself in his work and training but not as much as Sand. Mist has been tending to Death and ignoring her duty as an elder in training. She is however handling it better than the boys, but there is only so much a wolf can take. All three moods have changed the boys are distant, cold and just not wolves you want to be around. Mist is more closed off, less inviting and less kind. The trio wasn't their normal selves.

"Well, I have work to do, but I'll check in this evening. Bye." was Raven's reply

Mist nods and goes back to tending Death.


"Hey Mist"

"Hey Raven"

"Walk with me please."

Raven nods and follows her out.

They did not notice that a pair of eyes and ears was listening and watching them...............

Death watched them leave. she knew Mist had tended to her and Raven had been visiting her. Death's ears were listening to everything since two weeks after going into a coma. She stretched and took a good look at her healed wounds.

"My battle scars." she whispered

Her left side had a long claw scar where Malson clawed her. It went from her front leg side to her hind leg side. She also found small faded scars all over.

Lets go to the cleaning cavern and get cleaned up. Thought Death

And thats what she did. Since nobody was there she cleaned up alone. Which death was very glad. Dirt, blood, and other substance coated her fur and skin. She didn't look like herself, in fact she looked like a severely injured fox and a murder who would kill anything that looked at her.

"My goodness!! I definitely need to get cleaned up!!" remarked Death

After cleaning herself up, she went to the training cavern. While she was doing this Mist and Raven were heading to Sand in the training cavern.

"I don't know if she'll make it Raven. Her body is so weak from blood loss and her injuries. I'm afraid she'll draw her last breath without a warning. Sand is taking it hard already, imagine how hard he'll take it." Mist said frustrated

"I know Sand and I aren't helping much, but you are an amazing elder in training and friend. Without you we would have hurt Fire and never would have found out she was alive. You patched Fire at her worst while Sand and I were sitting ducks with our head chopped off if that makes sense." replied Raven

Mist smiled

"Thanks I needed that."

"Your welcome."

Soon they entered the training cavern and looked for Sand, and they found him looking at the weapons to see if everything is there and in place.

"Sand blood" called Raven blood

Sand turns his head and sees Mist and Raven

"Yes" he answered

"I want to talk with you. Raven can take your place while we talk." replied Mist

"All right."


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