The elder's hall

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"Death, stand to my right." said a shadow

"Yes sir." Death said as she stood to the right of the shadow

"ATTACK!" It screamed.

They launched and fell into battle. Then a bright flash and Death was down to the ground, fire all around with, her blood and others all over the place. Wounded, she start to grow unconscious when a pack comes out of the fire coming towards her. It comes closer and closer, and then blackness. Death bolts up, wide wake. Panting she looks around, she was still in Mist's den on a moss pile.

"Hey, you OK?" said Mist

"Hummmm...... well I guess I can tell you since you are the only one I can trust." Death said while calming down after the nightmare.

So Death told Mist

"Well?" Death said when she was finished.

"It is interesting, I think you are getting flashbacks, of the past even if you don't have a clue"said Mist.

"Hey, Mist, you never told me who the other two wolves are."

"That's not important at the moment, but I promise I will tell you later. Anyway we got to go to the elders." replied Mist

"Okay, let's go" said Death as she was getting up.

Wait! Am I standing? She thought as she looked down.

Yup! I'm standing.

Death looked down at her paws. They were still a little burnt but the cuts were gone.

"Yeah, I put some special medicine on your cuts and burns. Your paws will look a bit brownish black, until your fur grows out." said Mist as she could sense Death's confusion.

"You are really good with medicine."

"Yeah I am really good at medicine." Mist said

"Now, let's go!"

Death followed Mist to the council hall where Raven and Sand were waiting.

"You said don't be late, but you are late." Sand said with a sneer.

"No, you two are early, and we are on time." Mist said with a satisfied look.

"You and your medicine did a great job. It can walk after a day."said Raven with a satisfied look.

"It is a she and her name is Death ."said Mist

At least she gives me respect and told them my name. I need to learn the rules in this pack. Death thought

"Let's go." Mist said as she walked to a tunnel.

"Aaaaahhhhh that's the private tunnel that only elders use."said Sand with confusion.

"It's the only way there and you can, wait here if you are unsure." Mist called as she was half way to the tunnel with Death behind her.

"Well are you coming Sandy." called Raven who was half way to the tunnel were we were waiting.

"Coming!"called Sand running towards us.


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