Mind Altering

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"Death are you ready?" Malson asked excitedly 

"For what?" Asked death 

"To train of course! We need to get you trained." Answered malson 

"Whyyy..??" Death asked confused 

"We need you to get back into the swing of things here." Answered maylin 

Death still looked confuse

"You were a warrior here years ago. Now it's time for you to get back into things." Clarifying malson 

Death nodded in understanding 

"Oh and all we did to you this entire month was punishment for something the leader didn't like. I don't know what but you did something." Said malson 

"Raylu (ray-lu) lead death to the private training cavern."Called maylin 

A red fox appeared 

"Yes miss M. Follow me please." Responded raylu

Death followed raylu to the training cavern; while malson and maylin stayed behind.

"So how's the manipulating potion or whatever it is." Asked maylin 

"It's going very well. Death's mind is slowly getting manipulated. She has a tough mind to work with, but with memory lose it's easier." Said malson 

Maylin nods 

"I'm going to give it to her after training."added malson 

"Alright lets get to work." Replied maylin 

~ 5 hours later ~

"Here Death drink this. You had a long and hard training." Said malson giving her a bowl of what looks like water

"Thanks you train harder than the wolves."Replied Death drinking it without question 

"Death"Malson said 

"Yes?" Answered Death when she was finished all of the liquid 

"How are you feeling?"asked malson 

"A little dizzy."Replied Death closing her eyes

"You are a loyal follower of the leader." said Malson

"I am a loyal follower of the leader?" Death questioned

"Yes you are. You always have been. You're one of the most loyal follower don't you remember?"


"Well you are."

"How about you take a nap."


Death went  to a corner and went to sleep. Once she fell asleep Maylin came in.

"So?" asked Maylin 

"Don't know. We'll see when she wakes." replied Malson 

"Ugh why are we doing this? I don't like that wolf blood fox and I have to be nice. I wish I can torture her like I did when she was a pup!"said Maylin angrily 

"Well the wolves want her. We can use her in battles and other things." replied Malson 

Maylin sighs and said "I guess......"

~A Week Later~

Claw,bite,head butt, kick.Were the only sounds you could hear in the cavern.

"Death fire you'er still training ?" asked Malson

Death fire stopped  and turned to Malson

"Oh Hi. Yeah I decided to train alone for a bit. Did I miss something I was suppose to do?" answered Death fire 

"You're running late for pain training." was Malson's reply 

"Oh sorry I lost track of time." said Death fire 

"Thats fine. Now come on."

And they went to another cavern  similar to a torture chamber. Objects for causing pain were lined up along the wall. Death fire walked into the middle. Maylin appears as well.

"Now lets begin training!" was all Maylin said

~ 5 Hours Later ~

Blood soaked  the cavern floor and the air was drenched the smell of death.

"Now punishment for being late." Maylin said and grabbing a whip with her mouth 

"WHACK!!" The whip hit Death fire's blood soaked fur and skin

"WHACK!!" Death fire just stood there without a sound

"WHACK!!" Death fire looks blankly at the cavern wall

"WHACK!!" Maylin was enjoying this very much

"WHACK!!" Five whips were given to Death fire

"Now you may leave."said Maylin

Malson unchained Death fire and she slowly left. Once out of hearing range Malson walked over to Maylin.

"Happy now?" she asked

"Yes. 'Preparing her for integration from other packs' is entertaining." said maylin

"Her mind is slowly softening  giving me lead way in convincing her to believe what we are saying."

"Good. When do we have her completely under control."

"A mouth or three maybe four."

Maylin nods her head taking in the info.

~ One Mouth Later ~

Sand growls loudly

"we're getting nowhere!!!"

"Sand blood you need to calm down. You can't focus like this." responded mist

Sand growls more quietly 

"OK I'll try. It's just two mouths and we got nothing."

"I know but the Black Red Fox Skulk is tricky. Remember  we fought them in the Elder Red Battle."

"Yes which came to a close from the mysterious forest fire where we all tryed to escaspe." Raven blood but in

~ Another Month Later ~

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