Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

(Reaper's Bike)

Stuart stood there with his bright green eyes opened as wide as saucers. His shocked gaze was held and firmly trapped by the larger than life predator in front of him. That was the only word that came to mind to describe the man in front of him. A lethal, deadly king of the jungle and he was the unsuspecting prey. If Stuart had to be more accurate, he would describe the sex god who was Reaper as the hypnotizing being he was named after, but only the sexier version that he would gladly follow in the depths of darkness even if it meant he was being led to his death.

Stuart didn't know what to do. He didn't even recall his surroundings, or the fact that his brother was standing just to left of him glaring daggers at their father's Sergeant of Arms. If looks could kill, then Reaper would have been deader than dead, if something like that were even possible.

"Reaper, back the fuck up man....Ya could be Jesus reincarnated, I still would fuckin care. He is none of your business, so look elsewhere." Aaron all but snapped in Reaper's face, and I felt my face go thermonuclear. I still couldn't get my brain to form a decent thought to save my god damned life, and the situation got even worse when people started scattering out of the way like roaches. That was all the warning I got before Patrick's big, meaty fingers clamped around the back of my neck.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Patty's voice boomed around the now silent room and Stuart finally broke the trance caused by Reaper's unblinking gaze. He was more than mortified by now with everyone staring at the scene his siblings were causing with rapt attention. One would think you were in a tea room instead of a motorcycle club's dungeon with the way all the rough and tough members were soaking up the drama. Stuart desperately began to pray for the ground to just open up and swallow him whole.


"Shut ya face!" Patty barked interrupting their sibling's explanation mid word and Aaron's head snapped back like Patty had smacked him across the face. "Reaper move on, my little brother is nowhere in your league, don't even look at him, ya kinky fucker. Da' will cut your nuts off and Ma' will cook 'em and force feed 'em to ya. As for you." He turned his arctic glare towards Aaron and Stuart watched as his brother tried to remain bad ass but the audible gulp gave away his nervous trepidation of their older brother. "I deal with you at home, the fuck you lost ya damn mind bring baby red down here on leather night."

Galvanized and mortally embarrassed Stuart ripped himself out Patrick's restraining hand and turned and glared at his brother's with fire in his smoldering emerald eyes. "Will you give it a rest already. I'm not a god damned kid anymore. I wanted to be here and Aaron was trying to teach me about the side of this lifestyle that fascinates me. God, where do you get off all the time making me feel like I'm some kind of mindless kid or something that can't make any decisions for myself." Stuart ranted before his anger and frustration caused his feet to take flight and carry him as fast as they could out of the mortifying spectacle his brother's had created.

Hot tears of shame burned the back of his eyes at the thought of what the sexiest man he has ever seen must think of him. He may have not had the time to exchange two words with the man, but damn did Reaper make an impression on him with only a glance from those sinful onyx orbs of his. Even if he had stood a chance with the man, it was all shot to shit now thanks to the ever present overprotectiveness of his brothers.

Stuart made it outside and as his feet hit the cold pavement of the sidewalk, he shrugged into his jacket. He zipped it up and tucked his hands into the deep pockets. He scanned the street before setting off at a brisk pace towards the subway station. He would have taken a cab, but he needed the time to clear his head and get his scattered thoughts under control. He knew his brother's meant well. But how was he supposed to grow up and experience life without them smothering him all the time.

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