Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Stuart gently turned the knob on his bedroom door and as silently as possible, he eased the door open. He paused and held the door only wide enough to pop his head into the hallway to see if any of his idiot brothers were roaming around with the intent of torturing him about his date with Reaper tonight. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that none of them were loitering in the hallway and their bedroom doors were all closed.

Opening his bedroom door, a little wider, just enough for him to slip out into the hallway, Stuart continued to listen carefully for any noise coming from the other rooms in the house, but he heard nothing. No music, no blaring TV, no sounds of gunfire from his brother's violent video games, or any raucous insults and the usual noise generated from the general horse playing his brothers engaged in on a regular basis. The place was quiet, almost too quiet, and he didn't trust the eerie silence, not even a little bit.

Easing down the stairs like a ninja, Stuart hugged the wall with his back as he delicately inched his way towards the kitchen. His plan was to slip out the back door and head straight for the driveway at the rear of the house where he'd purposely parked his car the night before. Otherwise, no doubt the demons classified as his siblings would've all have parked their asses on the front porch and did everything in their power to make him late for his date, just because they can, and because they were really the spawns of Satan. Not that it made their dad seem like he was Lucifer or something, but who was he kidding? Their father was a badass biker and a cut throat businessman. Patrick Senior could strike fear within the hearts of men with just the mere mention of his name or his title as Prez of the Skull Master's MC club.

The kitchen was all clear of the hooligans. Stuart puffed out his cheeks and released a relieved breath of air. The back door was just a few steps away and he was free and clear to get on with his evening plans. He tried to make as little noise as possible and he creeped over to the kitchen window. He gingerly poked out a finger and swept his mother's frilly lace curtain aside and peered over the back porch and surrounding yard. There was no sign of his brothers or their bikes. Maybe luck was on his side for once and the heathens were already at the club or out doing errands for their father or something.

Either way, Stuart wasted no time as he skipped towards the back door. He punched in the security code on the panel by the door before flinging the door open. He had only a few seconds before the alarm engaged before getting out of the house. He'd just inserted the key into the door to lock when he heard a loud thumping sound. Stuart spun around and saw a dark figure crouched next to the railing on the porch, the person had obviously had hopped over railing.

With a loud screech, Stuart grabbed the hand shovel from his mother's gardening basket next to the door and sent it sailing towards the unidentified person. Not even looking to see if he'd hit his intended target. He spun around on his heels with the intent to haul ass towards his car. But that idea took a nose dive when his face smacked right into a what felt like a wall in front of him.

"Whoa there lil' bro, where ya' off to in such a hurry Baby Red?" Aaron's amused voice pierced through blanket of sheer terror that was trying to take over Stuart's brain.

With an indigent huff and a red-hot burst of fiery temper, Stuart pushed at Aaron's wide chest with all his might. "Don't ya'll have anything better to do than harass me to death?" He crossed his arms across his chest, stuck out his bottom lip into his signature pout of utter disgust, and gave his annoying ass bother the death glare when he realized he'd barely managed to put an arm's length between himself and his freakishly humongous older sibling. Stuart swore their mother or father must have mixed steroids into their baby food and fed it to all three of them when they were infants, especially Patrick Jr.

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