Longest Ride Ever!

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Kasey's P.O.V

"Are we there yet?!" I asked for what feels like the millionth time.

"No, we are not. If you ask one more time I swear I will turn the radio up all the way!" Lu shouted.

 I hate loud noises. Like HATE them. So you can only imagine how I feel about him turning the volume up.

I tear up and say, "Please don't! I don't like loudness!"

"I know you don't, so just don't ask again." he said sounding slightly annoyed.

TWENTY MINUTES LATER (Said in the narrator from Spongebob's voice)

Stupidly thinking he wouldn't do it I ask, AGAIN, "Are we there yet?"

"THAT. IS. IT!" Then he turns the radio up all the way! On country music!!!

"NOOOOO" I scream, "TURN IT DOWN!!!"

When he doesn't listen I roll down the window, unbuckle so I can stand up slightly, and stick my head out if it.  He looks back, turns the radio down a little ,and says, in a dangerously calm voice, "Little girl if you don't sit your ass down I WILL make you, and you will NOT like the way I do it."

Me being 'Stubborn Sally' as my mom liked to say stand up further and call him something that my daddy would've beaten my butt purple for.

"Not until you turn the radio down ASS-BUTT!" I say, yelling the last part.

His eyes widen and he pulls the car over. When he gets out lookin veeery angry I lock my door then crawl up into the driver's seat and lock all of the doors and mute the radio. When he sees the doors are locked he turns red and me, being the stupid idiot I am, forgot to roll up my window. So he just reached in and unlocked that door, calmly  (toooo calmly) moved my booster seat and sat in my seat. 

"I am gonna give you until the count of 3 to get back here, young lady."

I just turned and glared at him.

"1" he said dragging out the number.

I stuck my tongue out making him raise an eyebrow.

"2" he said, dragging the number out longer. 

"What happens if you get to three?" I ask.

"Trust me you do not wanna find out." 

Hearing that I hang my head and try to sit in the seat next to him, but he sits me in his lap. When he realizes i'm not gonna look at him he gently lifts my chin with two fingers and traps me there looking into his eyes. 

"What has gotten into you you Kasey?" he asks.

I just pout and shrug trying to look down again.

"Ah uh you look at me when I am talking to you" he said scoldingly.

I sniffle and snuggle into his chest

"Sorry Lu, I'm just very excited to see your palace, and a little mad you turned the radio up and hurt my ears." I say, apologetically.

"I know you're excited sweetheart but, you have to be patient. Okay?" 


"And since you think it is okay to call me an ass-butt and stick out your tongue at me, when we get there you're going to put soap in your mouth for five minutes and stand in the corner for tewenty. Am I  understood?" Lu asks, sternly.

I pout again but, answer with, "Yes, sir."

"Good girl. Now stop pouting and I'll get you some Wendy's sound good?" 


He just chuckles, fixes my seat, buckles me in, and drives away.



i'm working on the next chapter though and I know it's gonna take a while so here ya go





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