Birthday Fun

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Kasey's P.O.V

I was running home as fast as I could. My birthday party was in one hour and I still had to put on my tiara, tutu, boa, and sunglasses! I was turning seventeen and that meant daddy was gonna get a giant bouncy castle for my party! I was excited about my party, but I still had this very familiar creepy feeling like somebody was watching me. When I look around I faintly see HIM . The man that's always there, an' just 'cause he was always there doesn't mean he doesn't still creep me out so I started running again.

I get to my house and see my mommy and daddy still aren't home yet but, that man is on my porch. I turn and start to sneak away when he calls, "Kasey Jean Melton!"

I answer with "Sorry sir my name is um.. Bob" Before I take off running away from my house.

I don't get far before he swoops me up and throws me over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes!

"It's unladylike like to lie little girl!" He growled.

I just kicked his tummy and punched his back while screaming, "PUT ME DOWN!! STRANGER DANGER! FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!"

But no one came outside to help me which was sooo weird!

"My daddy he um... he kills people!! I have seen him do it! So you better let me go back or he'll kill you Mister!" I shout, still trying to gain anyone's attention.

He chuckles and it sounds a lot like Jafar from Aladdin! (I should know it's my favorite movie!!) The thought made me giggle though so I didn't hear what he said.

"Mister I didn't hear you, what did you say?" I ask trying to be polite.

He sighs and says, "If you weren't giggling, like a silly little princess, you would have heard me say that your daddy wouldn't dare. Why were you giggling like crazy anyway?"

Thinking about it made her start giggling all over again.

"N-no reason!" I say in between my uncontrollable giggles.

He swats my booty and growls, "What did I say about lying!"

"Sowwy!" I say and pout because he's being mean to me. "What is your name?"

"You don't remember me?" He asks sounding sad.

"I can't even see you silly! How would I have been able to remember yo-" I am very rudely interrupted when he basically drops me!

My eyes must look as big as Bugsy's from bedtime story! Then I say, "Oh my great grandbananas you're Lucy my guardian angel!"

He smiles and holds his hand out for me to take which I do. Then he sits me in a super duper fancy car with a booster seat already in it. "Yes! That's me! But isn't Lucy a girly name?"

"Okay how about... Lu?" I ask

"Ooh I like it!" He answers smiling as big as Genie from Aladdin.

"Where are we going Lu?" I ask.

"To my palace." He says simply before shutting my door and getting into the driver's seat.


He turns and glares at me scarily making me whimper and says, "Never, and I do mean NEVER, yell at me again understood?!" he asks angrily.

I gulp back my tears and answer with a shy, "Y-yes s-ir."

He pets my hair and kisses my forehead shushing me. He was about to drive away when I say, "Wait Lu I need Pookey!"

He magically pulls Pookey out of the front seat besides him and hands him to me saying, "Here ya go cutie!"

"Thank you!" I say giggling. 


Bored so I updated twice /).(\



Be awesome

See ya on the flipside


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