The Walk

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"Little girl slow down!" Lu shouted from behind me. I giggled, but did as he said and slowed my pace and walked next to him.

"Okay, now i'm going to explain something to you and I want you to listen carefully okay?"

"Okie Lu." I said smiling.

"So since you are going to be liv-"

I zoned out and started thinking about how I got here. Wait a minute... did he? Did he KIDNAP ME?

"OH my God," I whispered interrupting him.

He rose an eyebrow, "What, little one?"

I took a step away from him and clenched my jaw, "You kidnapped me!" I exclaimed angrily, "You told me you were my guardian angel and that you would protect me from the bad things in the world when this whole time you've been the only thing I've needed protection from!" Why hadn't I seen it before! He was a MONSTER not an angel!

He growled, "Do not talk to me that way. And definitely do NOT think that way. Do you understand me?"

I blinked several times and then took off in the direction that we had come from.

"Kasey!" He called, "Kasey, wait come back!"

I heard him running behind me and started running harder. When I thought I lost him I sat on one of the benches in the garden and started crying. Why did he do this? How could he do this? Would I ever see my mama and daddy again? I was sobbing and wailing so I didn't hear him approach me .

"Baby, please stop crying. Just let me explain " I looked up when I heard Lu.

"There's nothing you can say."

"You won't know until you listen, right angel?" He asked gently.

I just shrugged.

He sighed, and started explaining, "The first time I saw you was when you where 3 or 4 and you were on the swings. You were, and still are, the cutest most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I had to have you for myself, but you needed more time with your parents. I'm sorry I took you the way I did instead of waiting for you to grow up like I should've, but if I'd waited you wouldn't want anything to do with me." he sighed, "I know what I've done is unforgivable, but will you please try? I'd go crazy without you."
Again I shrugged and mumbled, "I wanna go back to my room now"

He sighed,"Okay, darlin'," he said sadly and lead me back into my room.

Why does seeing him sad make me wanna cry? He took me away from my family and my friends!

When we got to my room he whispered, "Please, don't hate me and then opened my door for me.

"I couldn't even if I tried." I mumbled under my breath but he must've heard because, his head snapped up. I just shut the door and plopped down on my bed.

What is wrong with me?  


Hi guys! Sorry it's late but I'm having a really hard time right now! 

I'm unsure on how this book should continue! If you have any ideas message me or leave a comment!

Don't forget to



And be awesome!!!

See ya on the flip side!


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